Play Four - Online Crossword Twist at Coolmath Games (2024)

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'; } else { signupPromoTop = ''; signupContainerTop = '

' + signupPromoTop + '

'; } if (typeof signupPromoBottom !== 'undefined' && signupPromoBottom !== '') { signupContainerBottom = '

' + signupPromoBottom + '

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' + signupPromoBottom + '

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' + gamePageBarPromo + '

' + gamePageBarPromoActionText + '

'); } } function checkPlayedGames() { // this is for supportCMG A/B Test gamesPlayed = navigator.cookieEnabled ? parseInt(localStorage.getItem('gamesPlayed') || 0) : 0; sessionGamesPlayed = navigator.cookieEnabled ? parseInt(sessionStorage.getItem('sessionGamesPlayed') || 0) : 0; //localStorage.setItem('gamesPlayed', ++ gamesPlayed) if(navigator.cookieEnabled) { localStorage.setItem('gamesPlayed', 0); sessionStorage.setItem('sessionGamesPlayed', ++ sessionGamesPlayed); } checkPremiumAvatarURL(); } /** ** For CMG default screen promo with list of games to appear */ function checkCMGDefaultExceptionURL() { supportCMG = false; if(!cmgDefaultGameUrl.test(location.pathname) && (typeof gamesPlayed != "undefined" && (gamesPlayed == 2 || gamesPlayed == 8))) { supportCMG = true; schoolHours = false; // display all the time if (getCookie('cmg_fx') !== null && getCookie('cmg_sx') == null) { var planToSubscription = 'd61242ac'; } else { var planToSubscription = '0735a1f2'; } // logged in free user jQuery(document).ready(function () { jQuery(".pane-bean-new-go-ad-free").html('Go Big Screen!'); jQuery('.cmgdefault-right-side-promo').show(); }); var gamePageBarPromo = 'GO PREMIUM: THE BEST GAMING EXPERIENCE'; gamePageBarPromoActionText = 'Get Premium '; var pathpromobarsubscriptionform = '/subscribe/' + planToSubscription; jQuery('.gamepage-signup-promo').hide(); jQuery('#block-cmatgame-cmatgame-system-main').append('

'); } } checkPlayedGames(); // need to comment this settimebased();function call to prevent it run on page load, it should start work on // game load. //settimebased(); checkCMGDefaultExceptionURL(); if (isUserValidFreeUserOrSubscriber()) { var userprofileData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("userprofile")); var levelofcompletedgame = 1; for (var i = 0; i < userprofileData.mygameslist.length; i++) { if (userprofileData.mygameslist[i].id == gameId) { var levelbasedCompletedStatus = userprofileData.mygameslist[i].timebasedcompletedSt; var levelofcompletedgame = userprofileData.mygameslist[i].level; } } } var workerstatusvar = "no"; var count = 0; var myInterval; // Active function chkIdleOnpage() { var userActivityTime =; // check if user activity is not there more than 55 min 60000*55 = 3300000 if (userActivityTime - lastKeyBoardorMouseActivityTime > 3300000) { if (typeof(w) != "undefined") { workerstatusvar = "terminated"; w.terminate(); w = undefined; } } else { // May be keyboard is active start new worker settimebased(); 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// } }; var userprofile = localStorage.getItem("userprofile"); setTimeout(function () { var userprofile = localStorage.getItem("userprofile"); var currentGameData = searchGamesById(gameId); if (typeof w != 'undefined') { w.postMessage([ gameId, xp_per_level, userprofile, currentGameData, cmatgameSearchGames, userprofile_level_xpData ]); } }, 60000); // setInterval(function () { updateMyGamesTimeSpent1(gameId) }, 60000); } } } }); } } // Stop timer function stopTimer() { count = 0; if (workerstatusvar == "terminated") { settimebased(); workerstatusvar = "started"; } window.clearInterval(myInterval); } function checkKeyboardOrMouseActivity() { lastKeyBoardorMouseActivityTime =; if (!is_level_based) { if (typeof isRemoveAdSwfJWPLayer === "undefined" || !isRemoveAdSwfJWPLayer) { // html 5 game } else { stopTimer(); } } } function startTimer() { // for flash based game check idle time in every 5 min 60000 * 5 = 300000 myInterval = window.setInterval(timerHandler, 30000); } function timerHandler() { count++; // count of flash based game will for 55 rounds if (count == 55) { workerstatusvar = "terminated"; if (typeof w !== 'undefined') { w.terminate(); w = undefined; } } } document.addEventListener("mousemove", checkKeyboardOrMouseActivity, false); document.addEventListener('keydown', checkKeyboardOrMouseActivity, false); document.addEventListener("keypress", checkKeyboardOrMouseActivity, false); document.addEventListener("touchmove", checkKeyboardOrMouseActivity, false); if(!is_level_based) { if (typeof isRemoveAdSwfJWPLayer === "undefined" || !isRemoveAdSwfJWPLayer) { // html 5 game document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function() { if(document.visibilityState == 'hidden') { //startTimer(); if(typeof idleOnPageCheckTimer !== 'undefined') { clearInterval(idleOnPageCheckTimer); } /*** need to remove below workerstatusvar variable. position changed . it should be under if codition where worker undefine ***/ // workerstatusvar = "terminated"; if (typeof w !== 'undefined') { w.terminate(); w = undefined; workerstatusvar = "terminated"; } } else if (document.visibilityState == 'visible') { stopTimer(); // starts worker. } }, false); } else { // flash game window.addEventListener('focus', stopTimer); window.addEventListener('blur', startTimer); // Check browser minimize document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function () { if (document.visibilityState == 'hidden') { startTimer(); } else if (document.visibilityState == 'visible') { stopTimer(); } }, false); startTimer(); } } // end of !is_level_based function putSharedObjectsInDB(syncData) { flashStorage = syncData; saveUserProgress(); } isRemoveAdSwfJWPLayer = false; prerollAdDisplayed = false; //use this when switching from mobile view to desktop view and preroll ad was not shown earlier prerollAdStart = ""; prerollAdEnd = ""; // Testing Overlay for Watch Ad To Unlock Games // var watchAdtoUnlockGame = true; // var schoolHours = false; // //console.log('supportCMG is true'); window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false); function receiveMessage(event) { // console.log("message received2 from " + event.origin + " : " +; var valid_domain_msg = false; if (/coolmathgames\.com|coolmathgames\.local|coolmathgames/.test(event.origin)) { valid_domain_msg = true; } if(valid_domain_msg && == "cmgGameEventStatic") { ga4_trackEvent("cmgGameEventStatic", ); } else if ( == "continue-without-big-screen" && jQuery('#big-screen-overlay').length && valid_domain_msg) { // close overlay if (jQuery('#big-screen-overlay').length) { jQuery('#big-screen-overlay').hide(); if (jQuery('#big-screen-truex-overlay').length) { jQuery('#big-screen-truex-overlay').hide(); } cmg_bigscreen_trackevent('closesignup', cmg_bsft); } } else if ( == "continue-with-login-big-screen" && jQuery('#big-screen-overlay').length && valid_domain_msg) { // console.log("BIGSCREEN message received2 from " + event.origin + " : " +; cmg_bigscreen_trackevent('closesignup2login', cmg_bsft); jQuery('#big-screen-overlay').hide(); if (jQuery('#big-screen-truex-overlay').length) { jQuery('#big-screen-truex-overlay').hide(); 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} if (getCookie('cmg_fx') !== null) { window.location = '/profile/' + getCookie('cmg_fx').toLowerCase() + '/edit'; } } else if ( == "big-screen-premium-benefits" && jQuery('#big-screen-overlay').length && valid_domain_msg) { // console.log("BIGSCREEN message received2 from " + event.origin + " : " +; cmg_bigscreen_trackevent('see premium benefits after signup', cmg_bsft); jQuery('#big-screen-overlay').hide(); if (jQuery('#big-screen-truex-overlay').length) { jQuery('#big-screen-truex-overlay').hide(); } if (getCookie('cmg_fx') !== null) { window.location = '/premium-benefits'; } } else if ( == "keypress-from-game") { checkKeyboardOrMouseActivity(); } else if (event.origin === "" || event.origin === "" || event.origin === "") { var eventObject = JSON.parse(; if (eventObject.eventType == "gameEvent") { cmgGameEvent(eventObject.key, eventObject.value); } else if (eventObject.eventType == "dataEvent") { cmgDataEvent(eventObject.key, eventObject.value); } } else if (event.origin == '' || event.origin == '' || event.origin == '' || event.origin == '') { var eventObject = JSON.parse(; if (eventObject.eventType == "gameEvent") { cmgGameEvent("Hangman "+eventObject.key, eventObject.value); } else if (eventObject.eventType == "dataEvent") { cmgDataEvent("Hangman "+eventObject.key, eventObject.value); } } else if (event.origin == '' || event.origin == '' ) { var eventObject = JSON.parse(; var eventGame = "wordrace"; if(/0-four-in-a-row/.test(location.pathname)) { eventGame = "fourinarow"; } if (eventObject.eventType == "gameEvent") { cmgGameEvent(eventGame+" "+eventObject.key, eventObject.value); } else if (eventObject.eventType == "dataEvent") { cmgDataEvent(eventGame+" "+eventObject.key, eventObject.value); } } else if (event.origin == '') { var eventObject = JSON.parse(; var eventGame = "hexanaut"; if (eventObject.eventType == "gameEvent") { cmgGameEvent(eventGame+" "+eventObject.key, eventObject.value); } else if (eventObject.eventType == "dataEvent") { cmgDataEvent(eventGame+" "+eventObject.key, eventObject.value); } } else if (event.origin == '' || event.origin == '') { console.log("cmg cheerpx: cmgHandleMessage "; //close loading screen closeCmgCheerpxLoadingScreen(); // Remove Narrow screen loading closeCmgCheerpxLoadingScreenResized(); } else if (event.origin == '' || event.origin != '') { if ( == "syncEventPut") { syncData =; putSharedObjectsInDB(syncData); } if ( == "syncEventGet") { if (typeof flashStorageFromDB != "undefined") { // restoring flash shared objects from DB for (var i = 0; i < flashStorageFromDB.length; i++) { flashStorageFromDB[i].swfdata = decodeURI(flashStorageFromDB[i].swfdata); } document.getElementById('swfgame').contentWindow.postMessage({ 'eventType': 'syncEventGet', 'soData': flashStorageFromDB }, '*'); } else { document.getElementById('swfgame').contentWindow.postMessage({ 'eventType': 'gamePlay' }, '*'); } } } else { return; } } // var signupPromoTop = 'Join to Play Ad-Free'; var signupPromoBottom = 'Join to Skip All Ads'; if (typeof signupPromoTop !== 'undefined' && signupPromoTop !== '') { signupContainerTop = '

' + signupPromoTop + '

'; } else { signupPromoTop = ''; signupContainerTop = '

' + signupPromoTop + '

'; } if (typeof signupPromoBottom !== 'undefined' && signupPromoBottom !== '') { signupContainerBottom = '

' + signupPromoBottom + '

'; } else { signupPromoBottom = ''; signupContainerBottom = '

' + signupPromoBottom + '

'; } function preroll_signup_top_handler() { trackEvent('Preroll Signup Clicked', 'Preroll Signup Top', document.title); } function preroll_signup_bottom_handler() { trackEvent('Preroll Signup Clicked', 'Preroll Signup Bottom', document.title); } // we will define this varialbe signUpURLABTest in experiments.js var cmg_upg_days_limit = 180; var user_dst = window.location.pathname; user_dst = user_dst.replace("\/", ""); if ( !== 'cmatgame.local') { if (typeof signUpURL === 'undefined' || signUpURL === '') { signUpURL = '/premium-access/ b2df5a33?origin=' + user_dst; } else { signUpURL = signUpURL + '?origin=' + user_dst; } } else if (typeof signUpURLABTest === "undefined" || signUpURLABTest === null) { signUpURL = 'https://' + window.location.hostname + '/premium-access/ b2df5a33?origin=' + user_dst; } else { signUpURL = signUpURLABTest; } function subscription_promo_handler() { if (typeof freeTrialUser !== 'undefined' && freeTrialUser) { trackEvent('Premium Subscription ' + subscriberLeg, 'Subscription overlay clicked', userPlayedGames); trackGoalVirtualPV('/virtual/subscription-overlay-click'); } return; } function subscriptionSignUpUrl() { var user_played_games = ''; var zeroFreeGamesLeftUsers = localStorage.getItem("zeroFreeGamesLeftUsers"); if (typeof userPlayedGames !== 'undefined' && userPlayedGames) { user_played_games = "upg=" + userPlayedGames; } else { user_played_games = "upg=0"; } if (zeroFreeGamesLeftUsers !== null && user_played_games !== '') { user_played_games = user_played_games + '&zfg=' + zeroFreeGamesLeftUsers; } else if (zeroFreeGamesLeftUsers !== null) { user_played_games = 'zfg=' + zeroFreeGamesLeftUsers; } if (typeof signUpURL !== 'undefined' && signUpURL !== null && signUpURL.indexOf('upg') === -1) { if (signUpURL.indexOf('?random_true') > -1) { signUpURL = signUpURL.replace('?random_true', ''); } if (signUpURL.indexOf('?') > -1) { signUpURL = signUpURL + '&' + user_played_games; } else { signUpURL = signUpURL + '?' + user_played_games; } } } function updateMyGamesTimeSpent(gameId) { var userActivityTime =; // if(userActivityTime - lastKeyBoardorMouseActivityTime <= 60000) { //user is active on page for last 60 seconds, so we can add this as his XP if (currentTimeInterval >= 2) { currentTimeInterval = 0; if (isUserValidFreeUserOrSubscriber()) { // save MyGames only for subscribers saveMyGames(gameId, 0, 1); currentTime = userActivityTime; } } else { currentTimeInterval = currentTimeInterval + 1; saveUserProgress(); // save user progress every 20 sec } // } } function updateMyGamesTimeSpent1(gameId) { if (isUserValidFreeUserOrSubscriber()) { // save MyGames only for subscribers if (userActivityTime - lastKeyBoardorMouseActivityTime <= 60000) { saveMyGames(gameId, 0, 1); } } } function updateMyGamesTimeSpentLevelBase(gameId, level) { if (isUserValidFreeUserOrSubscriber()) { // save MyGames only for subscribers saveMyGames(gameId, 1, level); } } /* if(!is_level_based) { var objGameNode = {}; objGameNode[gameId] = "yes"; localStorage.setItem("runoncestarted", JSON.stringify(objGameNode)); setInterval(function () { updateMyGamesTimeSpent1(gameId) }, 60000); } */ if (is_level_based) { var userActivityTime =; // for level based game. check if user activity is not there more than 55 min 60000*55 = 3300000 if (userActivityTime - lastKeyBoardorMouseActivityTime <= 3300000) { var objGameNode = {}; objGameNode[gameId] = "no"; var localgamestrate = "storagelocal-" + gameId + "-storagelocal"; localStorage.setItem("runoncestarted", JSON.stringify(objGameNode)); localStorage.setItem(localgamestrate, "no"); updateMyGamesTimeSpentLevelBase(gameId, levelofcompletedgame) } } function cmgGetCheerpxUrl() { var cheerpxUrl = ''; if( != "" && !/(Firefox)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { cheerpxUrl = ''; } return cheerpxUrl; } function displayCmgCheerpxLoadingScreen() { //todo -- use the iframe widht and height //jQuery("#swfgame").parent().before("


") jQuery("#swfgame").parent().before('

Your Flash game is loading
it may take longer than usual

'); } // Narrow Screen Loading Screen function displayCmgCheerpxLoadingScreenResized(){ jQuery("#swfgame").parent().before('

Your Flash game is loading
it may take longer than usual

'); } function closeCmgCheerpxLoadingScreen() { jQuery("#cmg-cheerpxloading-screen").remove(); } // Removing Narrow Screen Loading Screen function closeCmgCheerpxLoadingScreenResized(){ if($("#cmg-cheerpxloading-screen-resized").length > 0){ jQuery("#cmg-cheerpxloading-screen-resized").remove(); } } /* * Remove remove Preroll And Display Game. Old function name: removePrerollAndDisplayGame(). */ function cmg_remove_padg() { //homepage continue playing lastplayedgame - cmg_lpg if(gameId) { localStorage.setItem("cmg_lpg", gameId); } settimebased(); prerollAdDisplayed = true;//This is to be invoked after preroll ad is done; if(document.documentElement.clientWidth >= 960 - ( window.innerWidth-jQuery(document).width() )) { prerollAdEnd = "dtp"; } else { prerollAdEnd = "mob"; } if (isRemoveAdSwfJWPLayer) { // remove preroll only once } else { // record current time to calculate how much time user spent on playing the current game currentTime =; currentTimeInterval = 0; // call this only for timebased games // TODO save game progress /*if(!is_level_based) { setInterval(function () { updateMyGamesTimeSpent(gameId) }, 20000); } */ jQuery("#my-content").css("opacity", "1"); if (typeof intervalId != "undefined") { clearInterval(intervalId); } jQuery("#afg_container").remove(); jQuery("#afg_preloader").remove(); jQuery("#continue-container").remove(); if (!drupalSettings.cmatgame.swfembed) { // html5 game game width, game height and game type game_width = jQuery("#html5game").attr("width"); game_height = jQuery("#html5game").attr("height"); game_type = "html5"; // IE Detection and Version grabbing ie = false; var html5_game_url = jQuery("#html5game").attr("src"); var swf_game_url = jQuery("#swfgame").attr("src"); if( (/hangman/.test(html5_game_url) || /85380/.test(gameId) ) && typeof getParameterByName != "undefined") { var qLobby = getParameterByName("private-lobby"); var qPlay = getParameterByName("play"); var qXid = getParameterByName("xid"); if(typeof qLobby != "undefined" && typeof qXid != "undefined" && qLobby !== "" && qXid !== "" && html5_game_url.indexOf("hangman") && html5_game_url.indexOf("/home") ) { html5_game_url = html5_game_url.replace("/home", "/private-lobby/" +qLobby + "/" +qXid); } else if(typeof qPlay != "undefined" && typeof qXid != "undefined" && qPlay !== "" && qXid !== "" && html5_game_url.indexOf("hangman") && html5_game_url.indexOf("/home")) { html5_game_url = html5_game_url.replace("/home", "/play/" + qPlay + "/" +qXid); } } else if( /bloobio|bloob\.io/.test(html5_game_url) && typeof getParameterByName != "undefined") { var qLobby = getParameterByName("private-lobby"); if(typeof qLobby != "undefined" && qLobby !== "") { html5_game_url = html5_game_url + '/'+qLobby; } if(typeof drupalSettings.language != "undefined" && drupalSettings.language != "en") { if(!/locale=/.test(html5_game_url)) { html5_game_url = html5_game_url + "?locale="+drupalSettings.language; } var isMobile = cmg_is_mobile_device(); if(isMobile && !/mobile=/.test(html5_game_url)) { html5_game_url = html5_game_url + "&mobile=true"; } } } if (typeof swf_game_url !== 'undefined') { if (!cmg_flash_emulated_game()) { // console.log('flash is undefined'); flashDetectionMessage(); } } if (typeof swf_game_url !== 'undefined' && swf_game_url.indexOf("//") === 0) { swf_game_url = window.location.protocol + swf_game_url; } else if (typeof swf_game_url !== 'undefined' && swf_game_url.indexOf("//") > 0) { swf_game_url = swf_game_url.replace("http:", window.location.protocol); } if (typeof html5_game_url !== 'undefined' && html5_game_url.indexOf("//") === 0) { html5_game_url = window.location.protocol + html5_game_url; } else if (typeof html5_game_url !== 'undefined' && html5_game_url.indexOf("//") > 0) { html5_game_url = html5_game_url.replace("http:", window.location.protocol); } if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { ie = true; var ua = navigator.userAgent; var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[.0-9]{0,})"); if (re.exec(ua) != null) { ieVersion = parseInt(RegExp.$1) } } if (ie && ieVersion < 9) { nothtml5browser = '

Hey, you\'re using an older web browser that can\'t play HTML5 games like this one.

Please switch to another browser or just enjoy a different Coolmath game!' + 'div>

Get a new Internet Explorer browser from Microsoft

'; jQuery("#html5game").replaceWith(nothtml5browser); jQuery("#swfgame").replaceWith(nothtml5browser); } else { sandbox = jQuery("#html5game").attr("sandbox"); if (sandbox !== undefined) { sandbox = ' sandbox=\"' + sandbox + '\"'; } else { sandbox = ''; } if(cmg_is_mobile_device() || document.documentElement.clientWidth < 960 - (window.innerWidth-jQuery(document).width()) ) { newiframe = '

'; newswfiframe = '

'; } else { newiframe = '

'; newswfiframe = '

'; } if (typeof isRemoveAdSwfJWPLayer === "undefined" || !isRemoveAdSwfJWPLayer) { jQuery("#html5game").replaceWith(newiframe); if (cmg_flash_emulated_game() || drupalSettings.cmatgame.flash_emulation === "1") { jQuery("#swfgame").replaceWith(newswfiframe); } else if(cmg_flash_emulated_game() && drupalSettings.cmatgame.flash_emulation === "2"){ //console.log("Cheerpx load 1"); game_width = drupalSettings.cmatgame.swfembed.swf.swf_1.width; game_height = drupalSettings.cmatgame.swfembed.swf.swf_1.height; game_type = "html5"; var swfURLObject = drupalSettings.cmatgame.swfembed.swf.u; var swfURLArray = swfURLObject.split("/"); //swf_1_game_url = "/sites/default/files/games/" + swfURLArray[swfURLArray.length-1]; swf_1_game_movie_param = swfURLArray[swfURLArray.length-1]; //cheerpx js var swf_game_url = cmgGetCheerpxUrl()+swfURLArray[swfURLArray.length-1]+'&w='+game_width+'&h='+game_height; //allow="cross-origin-isolated" --> origin trial use: crossorigin="use-credentials" newswfiframe = '

'; jQuery("#swfgame").replaceWith(newswfiframe); //console.log("Cheerpx replace iframe 3"); } } } } else { if (!cmg_flash_emulated_game() && (drupalSettings.cmatgame.flash_emulation !== "1" || drupalSettings.cmatgame.flash_emulation !== "2" )) { // console.log('flash is undefined'); /* CLSS-1614 to load html5 as backup - START */ var html5_game_url = jQuery("#html5game").attr("src"); if (typeof html5_game_url !== 'undefined') { game_width = jQuery("#html5game").attr("width"); game_height = jQuery("#html5game").attr("height"); game_type = "html5"; // IE Detection and Version grabbing ie = false; if (typeof html5_game_url !== 'undefined' && html5_game_url.indexOf("//") === 0) { html5_game_url = window.location.protocol + html5_game_url; } else if (typeof html5_game_url !== 'undefined' && html5_game_url.indexOf("//") > 0) { html5_game_url = html5_game_url.replace("http:", window.location.protocol); } if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { ie = true; var ua = navigator.userAgent; var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[.0-9]{0,})"); if (re.exec(ua) != null) { ieVersion = parseInt(RegExp.$1) } } if (ie && ieVersion < 9) { nothtml5browser = '

Hey, you\'re using an older web browser that can\'t play HTML5 games like this one.

Please switch to another browser or just enjoy a different Coolmath game!' + 'div>

Get a new Internet Explorer browser from Microsoft

'; jQuery("#html5game").replaceWith(nothtml5browser); } else { sandbox = jQuery("#html5game").attr("sandbox"); if (sandbox !== undefined) { sandbox = ' sandbox=\"' + sandbox + '\"'; } else { sandbox = ''; } newiframe = '

'; if (typeof isRemoveAdSwfJWPLayer === "undefined" || !isRemoveAdSwfJWPLayer) { jQuery("#html5game").replaceWith(newiframe); } } } else { /* CLSS-1614 to load html5 as backup - END */ flashDetectionMessage(); } } else { // flash game game width, game height and game type game_width = drupalSettings.cmatgame.swfembed.swf.swf_1.width; game_height = drupalSettings.cmatgame.swfembed.swf.swf_1.height; if(drupalSettings.cmatgame.flash_emulation === "1"){ //ruffle game_type = "html5"; var swfURLObject = drupalSettings.cmatgame.swfembed.swf.u; var swfURLArray = swfURLObject.split("/"); var swf_game_url = ''+swfURLArray[swfURLArray.length-1]+'&w='+game_width+'&h='+game_height; newswfiframe = '

'; jQuery("#swfgame").replaceWith(newswfiframe); } else if(drupalSettings.cmatgame.flash_emulation === "2"){ //cheerpx game_type = "html5"; if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { ie = true; var ua = navigator.userAgent; var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[.0-9]{0,})"); if (re.exec(ua) != null) { ieVersion = parseInt(RegExp.$1) } } if (ie && ieVersion <= 11) { notCheerpxBrowser = '


'; //console.log("Cheerpx avoid load completely on IE"); jQuery("#html5game").replaceWith(notCheerpxBrowser); } //console.log("Cheerpx load 2"); game_width = drupalSettings.cmatgame.swfembed.swf.swf_1.width; game_height = drupalSettings.cmatgame.swfembed.swf.swf_1.height; var swfURLObject = drupalSettings.cmatgame.swfembed.swf.u; var swfURLArray = swfURLObject.split("/"); //swf_1_game_url = "/sites/default/files/games/" + swfURLArray[swfURLArray.length-1]; swf_1_game_movie_param = swfURLArray[swfURLArray.length-1]; //cheerpx js var swf_game_url = cmgGetCheerpxUrl()+swfURLArray[swfURLArray.length-1]+'&w='+game_width+'&h='+game_height; //allow="cross-origin-isolated" --> origin trial use: crossorigin="use-credentials" newswfiframe = '

'; jQuery("#swfgame").replaceWith(newswfiframe); console.log("Cheerpx replace iframe and loading screen"); displayCmgCheerpxLoadingScreen(); } else { game_type = "flash"; if (typeof isRemoveAdSwfJWPLayer === "undefined" || !isRemoveAdSwfJWPLayer) { var swf_game_url = jQuery("#swfgame").attr("src"); if (typeof swf_game_url !== 'undefined' && swf_game_url.indexOf("//") === 0) { swf_game_url = window.location.protocol + swf_game_url; } else if (typeof swf_game_url !== 'undefined' && swf_game_url.indexOf("//") > 0) { swf_game_url = swf_game_url.replace("http:", window.location.protocol); } newswfiframe = '

'; jQuery("#swfgame").replaceWith(newswfiframe); var gameInstructions = document.getElementById('game-instructions'); // insert fix flash div before game instructions field if (typeof gameInstructions !== 'undefined' && gameInstructions !== null && typeof gameInstructions.innerHTML !== 'undefined' && gameInstructions.innerHTML !== null) { gameInstructions.innerHTML = '

If this flash game doesn\'t work on your computer, go here for help.

' + gameInstructions.innerHTML; } } } isRemoveAdSwfJWPLayer = true; } } } jQuery('.game-xp-bar-immerse-button').addClass('enabled'); jQuery('.btn.btn-primary.btn-sm.requestfullscreen').css('display', 'inline-block'); //Deferred js is breaking the display of bigscreen button deferredbigscreenbtn = setTimeout(function () { if(jQuery('.btn.btn-primary.btn-sm.requestfullscreen').length && !jQuery('.btn.btn-primary.btn-sm.requestfullscreen').is(":visible")) { jQuery('.btn.btn-primary.btn-sm.requestfullscreen').css('display', 'inline-block'); } }, 2000); if(typeof display_game_progressbar === "function"){ display_game_progressbar(gameId); } } function cmatgame_premium_subscription_game_display() { var cmatgame_subscriber = getCookie('cmg_sx'); var validSubscriber = false; if (typeof cmatgame_subscriber !== 'undefined' && cmatgame_subscriber !== null) { validSubscriber = true; } if(getCookie("cmg_wl") !== null) { validSubscriber = true; } var cmatgame_free_user = getCookie('cmg_fx'); var validFreeUser = false; if (typeof cmatgame_free_user !== 'undefined' && cmatgame_free_user !== null) { validFreeUser = true; } if (typeof subscribeNowAlienClass === 'undefined' || subscribeNowAlienClass === null || subscribeNowAlienClass === '') { // if (drupalSettings.cmatgame.isSubscriptionActive == false) { // subscribeNowAlienClass = "subscribe-now-alien-subscribe"; // } else { // subscribeNowAlienClass = "subscribe-now-alien-signup"; // } } freeGamesExceeded = true; // Display Ads to anonymous users the time from 7am to 13pm, display ads to anonymous users from 13pm to 11:59pm and 00 to 7am only if the user is not from New York city // TODO --> Need to add day of the week for school hours logic, day < 6 do not display Ads when GDPR cookie is set abd GDPR_All cookie is not set // Remove preroll-ads for whitelist users if (validSubscriber || getCookie("cmg_wl") !== null) { // retrieve user progress retrieveUserProgress(); cmg_remove_padg(); jQuery(document).ready(function () { $('.game-xp-bar-immerse-button').addClass('enabled'); jQuery('.btn.btn-primary.btn-sm.requestfullscreen').css('display', 'inline-block'); display_game_progressbar(gameId); immersive_mode_display_controller(); }); } else if (getCookie('cmg_schwl') !== null || typeof cmg_no_ads !== 'undefined' || (! validSubscriber && schoolHours || (!schoolHours && !targetStateUser) || (!schoolHours && targetStateUser && getCookie('cmg_active_anonymous_user') !== null))) { // TODO Display Game cmg_remove_padg(); jQuery(document).ready(function () { $('.game-xp-bar-immerse-button').addClass('enabled'); jQuery('.btn.btn-primary.btn-sm.requestfullscreen').css('display', 'inline-block'); display_game_progressbar(gameId); }); if (!/0-chess/.test(window.location.pathname)) { // setCookie('cmg_active_anonymous_user', 'active', 30*60*1000); } } else if (! validSubscriber && !schoolHours && targetStateUser && getCookie('cmg_active_anonymous_user') === null && getCookie('cmg_editor') === null) { // if user comes from google dont show the subscription paywall var ref = document.referrer; // count number of games played by the user this month userPlayedGames = 0; var userFreeGameList = []; var freeGameNid = 12501; if (sessionStorage.getItem("userFreeGameList") !== null && navigator.cookieEnabled) { userFreeGameList = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("userFreeGameList")); } if ((localStorage.getItem("userPlayedGames") == null || getCookie('cmg_upg') === null) && freeGameLimit !== 0 && navigator.cookieEnabled) { userPlayedGames = 1; localStorage.setItem("userPlayedGames", userPlayedGames); // TODO monthly cookie setCookie('cmg_upg', 'true', cmg_upg_days_limit * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); userFreeGameList = [freeGameNid]; sessionStorage.setItem("userFreeGameList", JSON.stringify(userFreeGameList)); // TODO Display Game cmg_remove_padg(); jQuery(document).ready(function () { display_game_progressbar(gameId); }); } else { // userPlayedGames = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("userPlayedGames"+currentMonth+currentYear)); Monthly limit if (localStorage.getItem("userPlayedGames") !== null && getCookie('cmg_upg') !== null) { userPlayedGames = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("userPlayedGames")); } else { userPlayedGames = 0; setCookie('cmg_upg', 'true', cmg_upg_days_limit * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } if (freeGameLimit != 0 && userPlayedGames < freeGameLimit && userFreeGameList.indexOf(freeGameNid) === -1) { userPlayedGames ++; freeGamesExceeded = false; if (userFreeGameList.length > 0) { userFreeGameList = userFreeGameList.concat(freeGameNid); } else { userFreeGameList = [freeGameNid]; } localStorage.setItem("userPlayedGames", userPlayedGames); sessionStorage.setItem("userFreeGameList", JSON.stringify(userFreeGameList)); } else { freeGamesExceeded = true; } // console.log("Number of games user has played "+ userPlayedGames ); var validReferer = false; var validGameSession = false; if (userFreeGameList.indexOf(freeGameNid) > -1) { validGameSession = true; } if (ref.match("") !== null || ref.match("") !== null || ref.match("") !== null) { validReferer = true; } subscriptionSignUpUrl(); if (! validReferer && userPlayedGames >= freeGameLimit && ! validGameSession) { // subscription paywall // block anonymous users for New York City from 0-7am and 13pm to 11:59pm console.log("Free games limit exceeded and referer is not google"); clearInterval(intervalId); jQuery("#afg_container").remove(); jQuery(".game-instructions").remove(); var alreadySubscriberText = '

Already a Subscriber? Login

'; if (getCookie('cmg_l') != null) { alreadySubscriberText = ''; } var headLine = '

Please Sign up to keep playing

'; if (getCookie('cmg_l') != null && getCookie('cmg_sx') != null) { headLine = '


'; } jQuery(".field-game").html('

' + headLine + '

The World\'s Best Collection of Games
For Logic, Reasoning & Fun. Subscribe Now' + alreadySubscriberText + '

'); jQuery("#videoplayer").remove(); } else { // console.log("User may have come from google or is within the free game limit "+ (freeGameLimit-userPlayedGames) ); // TODO Display Game cmg_remove_padg(); jQuery(document).ready(function () { display_game_progressbar(gameId); }); } } } } function unlockAllLevels() { trackEvent('Unlock All Levels category', 'unlock all levels button clicked', document.title); alllevels = '


'; jQuery("#subscriber-banner").replaceWith(alllevels); var cmgorigindomain = /coolmath-games/; var cmgtargetdomain = window.location.protocol + ''; if (/edit-stage/.test(window.location.hostname)) { cmgtargetdomain = window.location.protocol + ''; } else if (/d8-dev/.test(window.location.hostname)) { cmgtargetdomain = window.location.protocol + ''; } else if (/cmatgame.local| { cmgtargetdomain = window.location.protocol + ''; } if (game_type == "html5") { document.getElementById("html5game").contentWindow.unlockAllLevels(); } else { if (cmgorigindomain.test(window.location.hostname)) { document.getElementById("swfObjID").unlockAllLevels(); } else { var recievergameFrame = document.getElementById("swfgame"); gDate = new Date(); recievergameFrame.contentWindow.postMessage('unlockAllLevels', cmgtargetdomain); // TODO -- put target origin } } } function addSubToUnlockGAEvent() { trackEvent('Unlock All Levels category', 'subscribe to unlock button clicked', document.title); trackGoalVirtualPV('/virtual/unlock-button-click'); window.location.href = " b2df5a33?origin= /0-play-four&stual=1" } var immersive_mode_enabled = false; // Rules for big screen free trial function valid_big_screen_ft() { validUserMode = false; cmg_bsft = getCookie('cmg_bsft') !== null ? parseInt(getCookie('cmg_bsft')) : 0; // Logged in user if (getCookie('cmg_fx') !== null && getCookie('cmg_uid') !== null) { cmg_uid_bsft = getCookie('cmg_bsft_' + getCookie('cmg_uid')); if (cmg_uid_bsft !== null) { cmg_bsft = parseInt(cmg_uid_bsft); } else { cmg_bsft = 0; } } if (cmg_bsft <= 3) { validUserMode = true; } return validUserMode; } function immersive_mode_display_controller() { var validUserMode = false; if (getCookie('cmg_sx') !== null || getCookie("cmg_wl") !== null) { // display xp bar for premium users $('.game-xp-bar-immerse-button').addClass('enabled'); jQuery('.btn.btn-primary.btn-sm.requestfullscreen').css('display', 'inline-block'); validUserMode = true; } else if (getCookie('cmg_fx') !== null) { // Is valid Freemium user free trial ? if (valid_big_screen_ft()) { validUserMode = true; } else { validUserMode = true; // console.log("User reached FT limit. Display Big screen button ?"); } } else { // Is valid Anonymous user free trial ? if (valid_big_screen_ft()) { validUserMode = true; } } if (validUserMode && ! immersive_mode_enabled) { immersive_mode_enabled = true; immersive_mode_display(); } } var bigScreenTimer = null; bigScreenActive = false; function cmg_bigscreen_trackevent(type, trial_num) { if (jQuery('#big-screen-truex-overlay').length) { jQuery('#big-screen-truex-overlay').hide(); } var tCat = 'BigScreen-Trial'; if (cmg_stop_truex_promo === '' || cmg_stop_truex_promo !== 'yes') { var tCat = 'BigScreen-TrueX-Promo'; } var tUsr = 'Anonymous user'; if (typeof getCookie === 'function' && (getCookie('cmg_sx') !== null || getCookie('cmg_wl') !== null)) { tUsr = 'Subscriber'; } else if (typeof getCookie === 'function' && getCookie('cmg_fx') !== null) { tUsr = 'Freemium user'; } var tEvt = tUsr + ' trial ' + trial_num + ' - ' + type; if (cmg_stop_truex_promo === '' || cmg_stop_truex_promo !== 'yes') { tEvt = tUsr + ' TrueX Promo' + ' - ' + type; } else { if (trial_num > 3) { tEvt = tUsr + ' no more trial ' + ' - ' + type; } } if (type === 'enter' || type === 'exit' || type === 'closesignup' || type == 'closepromo' || type == 'bigscreen-exit') { trackEvent(tCat, tEvt, document.title); } else if (type === 'exit2signup' || type === 'signup') { if (cmg_stop_truex_promo === '' || cmg_stop_truex_promo !== 'yes') { var sLeg = get_premium_access_leg_desc('849ef809'); if (typeof getCookie === 'function' && getCookie('cmg_fx') !== null && (getCookie('cmg_sx') === null && getCookie('cmg_wl') === null)) { sLeg = get_premium_access_leg_desc('e180e28d'); } trackEvent(tCat, tEvt + ' - Leg - ' + sLeg, document.title); } else { var sLeg = get_premium_access_leg_desc('1bb008bd'); if (typeof getCookie === 'function' && getCookie('cmg_fx') !== null && (getCookie('cmg_sx') === null && getCookie('cmg_wl') === null)) { sLeg = get_premium_access_leg_desc('7859e605'); } trackEvent(tCat, tEvt + ' - Leg - ' + sLeg, document.title); } } else { trackEvent(tCat, type, document.title); } } popover_login_click = false; function cmg_display_login_page() { //console.log("login link clicked in popup message"); popover_login_click = true; if (jQuery('#popover' + gameId).length) { jQuery('#popover' + gameId).remove(); immerse_hover_on = 0; } window.location = "/login?destination=" + window.location.pathname } function display_cmg_overlay_signupform(variant) { // console.log("BIG SCREEN display_cmg_overlay_signupform: "+new Date()); if (jQuery('#popover' + gameId).length) { jQuery('#popover' + gameId).remove(); immerse_hover_on = 0; } // track event of type 'signup' if (typeof cmg_bsft === 'undefined') { cmg_bsft = 0; if (getCookie('cmg_fx') === null) { cmg_bsft = getCookie('cmg_bsft') !== null ? parseInt(getCookie('cmg_bsft')) : 0; } else if (getCookie('cmg_uid') !== null && getCookie('cmg_bsft_' + getCookie('cmg_uid')) !== null) { cmg_bsft = getCookie('cmg_bsft_' + getCookie('cmg_uid')); } } cmg_bigscreen_trackevent('signup', cmg_bsft); if ((getCookie('cmg_sx') === null && getCookie('cmg_wl') === null)) { myStopFunction(); } // Check if A/B test is available if (typeof signup_abtest_cmg_bsft !== 'undefined') { //variant = signup_abtest_cmg_bsft; } if (typeof variant === 'undefined' || variant === '') { variant = '/16'; // 14b, 15c, 16 } if (cmg_stop_truex_promo !== '' && cmg_stop_truex_promo === 'yes' && jQuery('#big-screen-overlay').length) { jQuery('#big-screen-overlay').show(); } else if (cmg_stop_truex_promo !== '' && cmg_stop_truex_promo === 'yes') { var big_screen_url = ''; if (getCookie('cmg_fx') === null) { // big_screen_url = '/premium-access/1bb008bd' + variant + '?ts='+new Date().getTime();//Bigscreen trial plans // big_screen_url = '/premium-access/849ef809' + variant + '?ts=' + new Date().getTime(); // BSWOJ anon plan if(drupalSettings.language == 'en') { big_screen_url = '/premium-access/6ea95de6' + variant + '?ts='+new Date().getTime();//BSWOJ anon plan } else{ big_screen_url = '/'+drupalSettings.language+'/premium-access/6ea95de6' + variant + '?ts='+new Date().getTime();//BSWOJ anon plan } } else { // big_screen_url = '/premium-access/7859e605' + variant + '?ts='+new Date().getTime();//BSFT logged-in user plan if(drupalSettings.language == 'en') { big_screen_url = '/profile/premium-access/e180e28d' + variant + '?ts=' + new Date().getTime(); // BSWOJ logged-in user plan } else{ big_screen_url = '/'+drupalSettings.language+'/profile/premium-access/e180e28d' + variant + '?ts=' + new Date().getTime(); // BSWOJ logged-in user plan } } if (variant == 'thankyou') { if(drupalSettings.language == 'en') { big_screen_url = '/signup/thank-you/overlay?ts=1596827222&src=wc&origin=/premium-access/1bb008bd/14b&sp=0&cmgtypl=1bb008bd&cmgovly=1'; } else{ big_screen_url = '/'+drupalSettings.language+'/signup/thank-you/overlay?ts=1596827222&src=wc&origin=/premium-access/1bb008bd/14b&sp=0&cmgtypl=1bb008bd&cmgovly=1'; } } if (/coolmathgames/.test( { // big_screen_url = "https://" + + big_screen_url; } var ov_css = 'style="display:none; position: fixed; z-index: 100000; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto; background-color: rgb(0,0,0); background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4);" min-height="1040px"'; var ovc_css = 'style="margin: auto; padding: 10px; width: 850px;" min-height="540px"'; var iframe_overlay = '

'; // TODO Add this iframe at the correct place that it needs to go. jQuery('.global-wrapper').before(iframe_overlay); // TODO jQuery('#big_screen_iframe').css('height', '800px'); jQuery('#big-screen-overlay').fadeIn(1000); jQuery('.big-screen-signup-container .btn-close').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery('#big-screen-overlay').hide(); }); } else { var big_screen_url = ''; if (getCookie('cmg_fx') === null) { // big_screen_url = '/premium-access/1bb008bd' + variant + '?ts='+new Date().getTime(); if(drupalSettings.language == 'en') { big_screen_url = '/premium-access/849ef809' + variant + '?ts=' + new Date().getTime(); // BSWOJ anon plan } else{ big_screen_url = '/'+drupalSettings.language+'/premium-access/849ef809' + variant + '?ts=' + new Date().getTime(); // BSWOJ anon plan } } else { // big_screen_url = '/premium-access/7859e605' + variant + '?ts='+new Date().getTime(); if(drupalSettings.language == 'en') { big_screen_url = '/profile/premium-access/e180e28d' + variant + '?ts=' + new Date().getTime(); // BSWOJ logged-in user plan } else{ big_screen_url = '/'+drupalSettings.language+'/profile/premium-access/e180e28d' + variant + '?ts=' + new Date().getTime(); // BSWOJ logged-in user plan } } if (variant == 'thankyou') { if(drupalSettings.language == 'en') { big_screen_url = '/signup/thank-you/overlay?ts=1596827222&src=wc&origin=/premium-access/849ef809/14b&sp=0&cmgtypl=1bb008bd&cmgovly=1'; } else{ big_screen_url = '/'+drupalSettings.language+'/signup/thank-you/overlay?ts=1596827222&src=wc&origin=/premium-access/849ef809/14b&sp=0&cmgtypl=1bb008bd&cmgovly=1'; } } if (/coolmathgames/.test( { // big_screen_url = "https://" + + big_screen_url; } var ov_css = 'style="display:none; position: fixed; z-index: 100000; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto; background-color: rgb(0,0,0); background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4);" min-height="1040px"'; var ovc_css = 'style="margin: auto; padding: 10px; width: 850px;" min-height="540px"'; var iframe_overlay = '

'; // TODO Add this iframe at the correct place that it needs to go. jQuery('.global-wrapper').before(iframe_overlay); // TODO jQuery('#big_screen_iframe').css('height', '800px'); jQuery('#big-screen-overlay').fadeIn(1000); jQuery('.big-screen-signup-container .btn-close').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery('#big-screen-overlay').hide(); }); } } function immersive_mode_exit_handler(variant) { start_full_screen_without_ad = false;//clss-3207 no ad after 1st trial bigScreenActive = false; cmg_bsft = getCookie('cmg_bsft') !== null ? parseInt(getCookie('cmg_bsft')) : 0; // we do not increment in exit handler // Logged in user if (getCookie('cmg_fx') !== null && getCookie('cmg_uid') !== null) { cmg_uid_bsft = getCookie('cmg_bsft_' + getCookie('cmg_uid')); if (cmg_uid_bsft !== null) { cmg_bsft = parseInt(cmg_uid_bsft); } else { cmg_bsft = 0; } } if (cmg_bsft >= 3 && getCookie('cmg_sx') === null && getCookie('cmg_wl') === null) { // Redirect the user to signup page if (jQuery.fullscreen.isFullScreen()) { jQuery.fullscreen.exit(); } if (cmg_stop_truex_promo !== '' && cmg_stop_truex_promo === 'yes') { // track event of type 'exit2signup' cmg_bigscreen_trackevent('exit2signup', cmg_bsft); display_cmg_overlay_signupform(variant); } else { cmg_bigscreen_trackevent('bigscreen-exit', cmg_bsft); } } else if (getCookie('cmg_sx') === null && getCookie('cmg_wl') === null) { myTimerAction(); } if (bigScreenTimer) { clearTimeout(bigScreenTimer); bigScreenTimer = null; } if (cmg_bsft < 3) { // track event of type 'exit' cmg_bigscreen_trackevent('exit', cmg_bsft); } } function bigScreenTimerAction() { cmg_bsft = 3; if (typeof bigScreenActive !== 'undefined' && bigScreenActive) { if (getCookie('cmg_fx') !== null && getCookie('cmg_uid') !== null) { // Logged in user cmg_uid_bsft = getCookie('cmg_bsft_' + getCookie('cmg_uid')); if (cmg_uid_bsft !== null) { // cmg_bsft = parseInt(cmg_uid_bsft) + 1; cmg_bsft = 3; // 3011 } else { cmg_bsft = 3; // 3011 } // Ajax request to update user object url = "/ajax/cmgbsft/" + getCookie('cmg_uid') + '/' + cmg_bsft; // + '?' + new Date().getTime(); status = 0; jQuery.getJSON(url, function (data) { if (typeof data.uid !== 'undefined' && data.cmgbsft !== 'undefined') { status = 1; } }); // setCookie('cmg_bsft_'+getCookie('cmg_uid'), cmg_bsft, 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } else { // Anon user // cmg_bsft = getCookie('cmg_bsft') !== null ? parseInt(getCookie('cmg_bsft')) + 1 : 1; cmg_bsft = 3; // 3011 setCookie('cmg_bsft', cmg_bsft, 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } clearTimeout(bigScreenTimer); bigScreenTimer = null; } } var immerse_hover_on = 0; var immerse_hover_in = 0; var big_screen_msg_on = 0; function immersive_popover_msg() { var popover_msg = "New Premium Feature! Try it for FREE now"; if ((getCookie('cmg_sx') !== null || getCookie('cmg_wl') !== null)) { popover_msg = "New Premium Feature! Try it now!"; } else { cmg_bsft = getCookie('cmg_bsft') !== null ? parseInt(getCookie('cmg_bsft')) : 0; // Logged in user if (getCookie('cmg_fx') !== null && getCookie('cmg_uid') !== null) { cmg_uid_bsft = getCookie('cmg_bsft_' + getCookie('cmg_uid')); if (cmg_uid_bsft !== null) { cmg_bsft = parseInt(cmg_uid_bsft); } else { cmg_bsft = 0; } } // setCookie('cmg_bsft', cmg_bsft, 365*24*60*60*1000);todo in timer function after bigscreen is active for a minute if (cmg_bsft === 1) { popover_msg = "2 Free Trials Remaining"; } else if (cmg_bsft === 2) { popover_msg = "1 Free Trial Remaining"; } else if (cmg_bsft >= 3) { var variant = ''; if (typeof signup_abtest_2_variations_adfree_modular !== 'undefined') { variant = '/'.signup_abtest_2_variations_adfree_modular; } if (getCookie('cmg_fx') !== null) { popover_msg = 'BIG SCREEN is a Premium Feature.
Please Sign Up'; } else { popover_msg = 'BIG SCREEN is a Premium Feature.
Please Sign Up or Log In.'; } } } return popover_msg; } var cmg_bs_popover_prefix = '


'); myStopFunction(); trueXTimer = setTimeout(function () { jQuery('#big-screen-truex-header-text').css('background-color', '#16202c').css('padding-top', '14px').html('


'); // .css('margin-top', '150px'); }, 25 * 1000); }); truexAd.onCredit(function (engagement) { // user spent 30 seconds and interacted at least once log("Bigscreen Truex Ad credit"); trackEvent('BigScreen-TrueX-Promo', 'View a Sponsored Video: TrueX Ad Credited', document.title); //

text to write ▶

jQuery('#big-screen-truex-header-text').css('background-color', '#16202c').css('padding-top', '14px').html('

'); document.getElementById("truex-bigscreen-activate-id").onclick = function () { event.preventDefault(); if (typeof bigScreenActive === 'undefined' || typeof bigScreenActive !== 'undefined' && !bigScreenActive) { jQuery('#big-screen-signup-container-id').html(""); jQuery('#big-screen-truex-overlay').remove(); cmg_start_game_full_screen('truex'); } } // console.log(engagement); }); truexAd.onClose(function (activity) { // user closed the ad unit log("Bigscreen Truex Ad close"); trackEvent('BigScreen-TrueX-Promo', 'View a Sponsored Video: TrueX Ad Closed', document.title); containerClose(); requestTrueXAdsAndDisplay(client); }); truexAd.onFinish(function (activity) { // user got to end of ad log("Bigscreen Truex Ad finish"); trackEvent('BigScreen-TrueX-Promo', 'View a Sponsored Video: TrueX Ad Finished', document.title); jQuery('#big-screen-signup-container-id').html(""); jQuery('#big-screen-truex-overlay').remove(); // full screen cmg_start_game_full_screen("truex"); }); truexAd.onMessage(function (payload) { // log("onMessage = " + payload); }); // track TrueX Trigger Point Impression // client.trackTriggerPointImpression(truexAd); // handle opt-in click event // add TrueX Opt-in to DOM if (jQuery("#cmg-big-screen-truex-activity").length) { var truex_container = document.getElementById("cmg-big-screen-truex-activity"); document.getElementById("cmg-big-screen-truex-activity").onclick = function () { // truex_preroll_display_handler(); event.preventDefault(); trackEvent('BigScreen-TrueX-Promo', 'View a Sponsored Video: Button clicked', document.title); jQuery('.big-screen-options-container').hide(); if (truex_ad_available && typeof client !== 'undefined') { // BigScreen-TrueX-Promo log("Bigscreen Truex ad available. Show Truex activity"); trackEvent('BigScreen-TrueX-Promo', 'View a Sponsored Video: TrueX Ad Loading', document.title); client.loadActivityIntoContainer(truexAd, 'big-screen-signup-container-id', { width: "960px", height: "540px" }); // show_big_screen_preroll_ad();//test preroll } else { log("Bigscreen Truex ad not available. Instead show preroll video"); // TODO: Show preroll truex_overlay_preroll_ad_display = true; show_big_screen_preroll_ad(); trackEvent('BigScreen-TrueX-Promo', 'View a Sponsored Video: Preroll Ad Loading', document.title); } }; } // cmg-big-screen-truex-signup if (jQuery("#cmg-big-screen-truex-signup").length) { document.getElementById("cmg-big-screen-truex-signup").onclick = function () { log("Bigscreen button clicked"); event.preventDefault(); // jQuery('.big-screen-options-container').hide(); jQuery('#big-screen-truex-overlay').remove(); display_cmg_overlay_signupform(); }; } } function truex_preroll_display_handler() { // log("Truex ad is available. Show truex activity"); event.preventDefault(); trackEvent('BigScreen-TrueX-Promo', 'View a Sponsored Video: Button clicked', document.title); jQuery('.big-screen-options-container').hide(); if (truex_ad_available && (typeof client !== 'undefined' || cmg_truex_client != null) ) { // BigScreen-TrueX-Promo if(typeof client == "undefined") { client = cmg_truex_client; truexAd = cmg_truexAd; } trackEvent('BigScreen-TrueX-Promo', 'View a Sponsored Video: TrueX Ad Loading', document.title); client.loadActivityIntoContainer(truexAd, 'big-screen-signup-container-id', { width: "960px", height: "540px" }); // show_big_screen_preroll_ad();//test preroll } else { // log("Truex ad not available. Instead show preroll video"); // TODO: Show preroll truex_overlay_preroll_ad_display = true; show_big_screen_preroll_ad(); trackEvent('BigScreen-TrueX-Promo', 'View a Sponsored Video: Preroll Ad Loading', document.title); } } function containerClose() { // log("containerClose called."); } function log(msg) { console.log("CMG [%s] - %s", new Date().toLocaleTimeString(), msg); } cmg_truex_promo_events_added = 0; function display_big_screen_truex_options_overlay() { // initialize trueX ad client w/ options hash trackEvent('BigScreen-TrueX-Promo', 'Bigscreen button clicked', document.title); //console.log("big screen button click position 1 -"+ new Date()); if (getCookie('cmg_sx') !== null || getCookie('cmg_wl') !== null || getCookie('cmg_editor') !== null ) { event.preventDefault(); //console.log("big screen button click -"+ new Date()); cmg_start_game_full_screen('truex'); } else { network_user_id = getCookie('_ga'); if (typeof network_user_id !== 'undefined' && network_user_id !== '') { network_user_id = network_user_id.replace('GA', 'cmg').replaceAll("\.", ""); } // TRUEX Test Hash // truex_options = {'network_user_id': network_user_id, 'partner_config_hash': '83f879b26797c723882473d6435e6361c105d86b'}; // TRUEX Live Hash truex_options = { 'network_user_id': network_user_id, 'partner_config_hash': '375f2f2b728700cd991bb24601b3841c98375886' }; if (typeof truex !== 'undefined') { truex.client(truex_options, function (client) { requestTrueXAdsAndDisplay(client); }); } var ov_css = ' style="display:none; position: fixed; z-index: 100000; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto; background-color: rgb(0,0,0); background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.7);" min-height="1040px" '; var ovc_css = ' style="margin: auto; margin-top: 200px; padding: 10px; width: 424px; height: initial; background-color: #1f4f77; border:3px solid #286aa1;" '; var ovc_css_id = ' style="margin: auto; margin-top: 150px; width: 960px; " '; var truex_css = ' '; var truex_options1 = "

"; // onclick="truex_preroll_display_handler(); return false; --> below" var truex_options2 = "

View a Sponsored Video

"; var truex_optionsOR = "

"; var truex_options3 = "

"; if(getCookie("cmg_sac") == "no"){ truex_optionsOR = ""; truex_options3 = ""; } var truex_options4 = "

"; var truex_options_prefix = '

'; var truex_options_suffix = '

'; truex_options = truex_options_prefix + truex_options1 + truex_options2 + truex_optionsOR + truex_options3 + truex_options4 + truex_options_suffix; var truex_options_heading = '

' + '

'; var preroll_container = '

' + '

' + // '

Continue in

'+ // '15'; '

'; var bs_truex_options = '

' + '

' + '

' + '' + truex_options + '

' + '

' + '

' + truex_options_heading + '

' + preroll_container + '

' + '

'; // TODO Add this iframe at the correct place that it needs to go. jQuery('.global-wrapper').before(bs_truex_options); // TODO jQuery('#big_screen_iframe').css('height', '800px'); jQuery('.big-screen-options-container').show(); jQuery('#big-screen-truex-overlay').fadeIn(1000); // if(!cmg_truex_promo_events_added) { // cmg_truex_promo_events_added = 1; jQuery('.big-screen-options-container .btn-close').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery('#big-screen-truex-overlay').hide(); }); jQuery('#cmg-big-screen-truex-promo-close').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery('#big-screen-truex-overlay').hide(); }); // } } } function show_big_screen_preroll_ad() { event.preventDefault(); jQuery('#big-screen-truex-header-text').css('padding-top', '14px').html("


"); jQuery('.big-screen-options-container').hide(); var cmatgame_subscriber = getCookie('cmg_sx'); var validSubscriber = false; if (typeof cmatgame_subscriber !== 'undefined' && cmatgame_subscriber !== null) { validSubscriber = true; } // preroll ads var prerollUrls = /0\-testing/; if (! validSubscriber) { // display preroll ads window.scrollTo(0, 0); var modal = document.getElementById('big-screen-preroll-container'); // = 'block'; // clear refresh timer if (typeof refreshTimer !== "undefined") { clearTimeout(refreshTimer); refreshTimer = null; } var adTagUrl = ''; if (typeof window.PW_CMG != "undefined") { var auctionCallback = function (displayAds, videoUrl) { application = new Application(displayAds, videoUrl); }; window.PW_CMG.startAuction(auctionCallback); } else { // adblock application = new Application(false, adTagUrl); } bs_preroll_timer = 15; bs_preroll_intervalId = setInterval(function () { bs_preroll_timer --; jQuery('#big-screen-truex-header-text').html('

PLAY BIG SCREEN AFTER THIS AD: ' + bs_preroll_timer + '

'); // document.getElementById("preroll_timer_id").innerHTML = seconds_left; if (bs_preroll_timer <= 0) { jQuery('#big-screen-truex-header-text').html('


'); document.getElementById("truex-bigscreen-activate-id").onclick = function () { event.preventDefault(); $('a.requestfullscreen>span.big-screen-popover-span').html('Play Big Screen'); if (typeof bigScreenActive === 'undefined' || typeof bigScreenActive !== 'undefined' && !bigScreenActive) { jQuery('#big-screen-signup-container-id').html(""); jQuery('#big-screen-truex-overlay').remove(); start_full_screen_without_ad = false; cmg_start_game_full_screen('truex'); } } clearInterval(bs_preroll_intervalId); } }, 1000); } } // TRUEX end function cmg_start_game_full_screen(cmgsource) { myStopFunction(); // no ad refresh bigScreenActive = true; // console.log("Starting fullscreen"); if (cmg_stop_truex_promo !== '' && cmg_stop_truex_promo === 'yes') { // trackEvent('BigScreen-Trial', 'Bigscreen activated', document.title); cmg_bigscreen_trackevent('enter', cmg_bsft); bigScreenTimer = setTimeout(function () { bigScreenTimerAction(); }, 60 * 1000); } else { // trackEvent('BigScreen-TrueX-Promo', 'Bigscreen activated', document.title); cmg_bigscreen_trackevent('enter', 0); } var elem = document.getElementById('block-system-main'); if (jQuery('html').hasClass('mobile-device')) { requestFullscreenModal(elem, document.title); return false; } if (elem.requestFullscreen) { elem.requestFullscreen(); } else if (elem.mozRequestFullScreen) { /* Firefox */ elem.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if (elem.webkitRequestFullscreen) { /* Chrome, Safari & Opera */ elem.webkitRequestFullscreen(); } else if (elem.msRequestFullscreen) { /* IE/Edge */ elem.msRequestFullscreen(); } else { requestFullscreenModal(elem, document.title); return false; } adjustWidthHeightGame(); } function immersive_mode_display() { var popover_msg = immersive_popover_msg(); var immerse_prefix = ''; // do not add title var immerse_suffix = ''; var immerse_html = "Watch Ad To Play Big Screen"; var immerse_html_sub = "PLAY BIG SCREEN"; if (getCookie('cmg_sx') !== null || getCookie('cmg_wl') !== null) { $(".immerse-button").html(immerse_prefix + immerse_html_sub + immerse_suffix); } else { $(".immerse-button").html(immerse_prefix + immerse_html + immerse_suffix); } if (getCookie('cmg_fx') !== null) { jQuery('.node-type-game.logged-in .requestfullscreen').css('display', 'inline-block'); } // get game var elem = document.getElementById('block-system-main'); // open game in fullscreen $('.immerse-button .requestfullscreen').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); //console.log("function immerse button onclick handler" + new Date()); // If mobile view show full screen without any ads // if($("html").hasClass("mobile-device")) { // cmg_start_game_full_screen(); // } if(/\/test-game\//.test(window.location.pathname)){ //console.log("test page"); cmg_start_game_full_screen(); } if (cmg_stop_truex_promo === '' || cmg_stop_truex_promo !== 'yes') { // TODO: Return from here or not? if (start_full_screen_without_ad) { display_big_screen_truex_options_overlay(); } else { cmg_start_game_full_screen(); } } return; if (jQuery('#popover' + gameId).length) { jQuery('#popover' + gameId).remove(); immerse_hover_on = 0; } cmg_bsft = getCookie('cmg_bsft') !== null ? parseInt(getCookie('cmg_bsft')) : 0; // Logged in user if (getCookie('cmg_fx') !== null && getCookie('cmg_uid') !== null) { cmg_uid_bsft = getCookie('cmg_bsft_' + getCookie('cmg_uid')); if (cmg_uid_bsft !== null) { cmg_bsft = parseInt(cmg_uid_bsft); } else { cmg_bsft = 0; } } if (cmg_stop_truex_promo !== '' && cmg_stop_truex_promo === 'yes') { if (cmg_bsft < 3) { // track event of type 'enter' cmg_bigscreen_trackevent('enter', cmg_bsft + 1); } if (getCookie('cmg_sx') !== null || getCookie("cmg_wl") !== null || cmg_bsft < 3) { cmg_start_game_full_screen(); } else { //console.log("BIG SCREEN You have reached a FT limit"); //Display signup form if(getCookie('cmg_sx') === null && getCookie('cmg_wl') === null && !popover_login_click) { display_cmg_overlay_signupform(); } // track event of type 'signup' // cmg_bigscreen_trackevent('signup', cmg_bsft+1); } } else { //Big Screen - TrueX Integration //TODO conditions to check or when to display the overlay if (getCookie('cmg_sx') === null && getCookie('cmg_wl') === null) { //console.log("Big screen button clicked. display the overlay with options"); display_big_screen_truex_options_overlay(); } else { if (cmg_bsft < 3) { // track event of type 'enter' cmg_bigscreen_trackevent('enter', cmg_bsft + 1); } if (getCookie('cmg_sx') !== null || getCookie('cmg_wl') !== null || cmg_bsft < 3) { cmg_start_game_full_screen(); } else { //console.log("BIG SCREEN You have reached a FT limit"); //Display signup form if(getCookie('cmg_sx') === null && getCookie('cmg_wl') === null && !popover_login_click) { //display_cmg_overlay_signupform(); } // track event of type 'signup' // cmg_bigscreen_trackevent('signup', cmg_bsft+1); } } } }); if (cmg_stop_truex_promo !== '' && cmg_stop_truex_promo === 'yes') { $('.immerse-button .requestfullscreen').hover(function () { // hover in // console.log("Bigscreen button hover in "+new Date()); immerse_hover_in = 1; if (!immerse_hover_on) { popover_msg = immersive_popover_msg(); var popover_html = cmg_bs_popover_prefix + cmg_bs_popover_suffix1 + popover_msg + cmg_bs_popover_suffix2; $(".immerse-button .big-screen-popover-span").after(popover_html); var width = $(".immerse-button").find('.requestfullscreen').width(); var height = $(".immerse-button").find('.popover').height(); var xPos = '-' + (width/2); var yPos = '-' + (height + 5); $(".immerse-button").find('.popover').css("transform","translate3d("+ xPos +"px, "+ yPos + "px, 0)"); immerse_hover_on = 1; if (jQuery('#popover' + gameId).length) { jQuery('#popover' + gameId).hover(function () { //console.log("Popover message hover in "+ new Date()); big_screen_msg_on = 1 }, function () { //console.log("Popover message hover out "+ new Date()); big_screen_msg_on = 0; }); } } }, function () { // hover out // console.log("Bigscreen button hover out "+ new Date()); immerse_hover_in = 0; setTimeout(function () { if (immerse_hover_on && !immerse_hover_in && !big_screen_msg_on) { jQuery('#popover' + gameId).remove(); immerse_hover_on = 0; } }, 1 * 1000); }); } // close game fullscreen $('#block-system-main .close-full-screen').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); immersive_mode_exit_handler(); jQuery.fullscreen.exit(); }); $('body').keypress(function (e) { if (e.which == 27) { if ($('.immerse-button .requestfullscreen').length && typeof bigScreenActive !== 'undefined' && bigScreenActive) { immersive_mode_exit_handler(); // jQuery.fullscreen.exit(); } } }); var screen_change_events = "webkitfullscreenchange mozfullscreenchange fullscreenchange MSFullscreenChange"; // toggle full screen window class jQuery(document).on(screen_change_events, function () { if (jQuery.fullscreen.isFullScreen()) { /* elem.classList.add('full-screen-window'); var iframe = document.getElementById('html5game') ? 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TODO - Display preroll ad and then game - "+new Date()); displayPrerollAd_Desktop(); //TODO: 06/21/2022 Ads not displaying and hence game after it //cmg_remove_padg(); } else if(hide_preroll_ads == true || prerollAdDisplayed == true) { //console.log("CMGResize: gamenode-inline resizeed from mobile to desktop and game not loaded. Preroll ad already displayed. Display game - "+new Date()); cmg_remove_padg(); } } }, false); var cmg_mmg_html = ''; var cmg_mmg_swf_html = ''; var cmg_game_modal_attached = false; function attachModalHtml(elem, title) { cmg_game_modal_attached = true; var elem = document.getElementById('block-system-main'); html = '

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    Play Four - Online Crossword Twist at Coolmath Games (9)

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    Play Four - Online Crossword Twist at Coolmath Games (2024)


    Why did Coolmath Games get blocked? ›

    Like Newsweek said, Flash would be shutting down to begin with,after all, they've most likely used Flash so many times to play the games on Coolmath. The answer is simple, it was a risk. Back before all of this,Adobe Flash was starting to become a security risk.

    How do I unblock Coolmath? ›

    Blocked From Coolmath Games?
    1. Blocked From Coolmath Games?
    2. Don't worry, it's easy to fix.
    3. "" is now "" (we got rid of the dash).
    4. You may need to have your IT administrator add "" to your website list, along with "".
    5. Feel free to contact us:
    6. Thanks!

    Can you still play Coolmath Games? ›

    Although you can still browse the site, most of our games won't work. For the best experience, please use one of these browsers: Chrome. Edge.

    Is Coolmath game ending? ›

    We've seen a crazy rumor flying around that Coolmath Games is shutting down, but don't worry: There's no truth to it.

    Can you still play Coolmath Games in 2022? ›

    Coolmath Games is no longer hosting Ittle Dew, Membrane, Another Perspective, or Ellipsis. These games were originally part of the Coolmath Games Store. Unfortunately, the Coolmath Games Store has shut down, and we will not be adding more games in the future.

    What are unblocked games for school? ›

    • 2048.
    • Bullet Force Multiplayer.
    • Cookie Monster.
    • Cut The Rope 2.
    • Flappy Bird.
    • Geometry Dash.
    • Getaway Shootout.

    How do I unblock a game? ›

    Here's how to unblock games on a school computer using a VPN:
    1. First, you'll need to sign up with a trusted VPN provider. ...
    2. Now you can download the VPN's app on your device. ...
    3. Install and then log in to the app. ...
    4. You should now be able to access your favorite online games without restriction!
    16 May 2022

    What is the best game to play on cool math games? ›

    #1: Run 3. When making a list of the top 10 Coolmath Games, we had to put Run 3 on here. Run 3 is the most popular game on our site, and for good reason. This action-packed platformer game has twists and turns on every level.

    What happened to math playground? ›

    Math Playground has ended its subscription program. Our math games and activities can be played without signing in.

    How old is Coolmath? ›

    Welcome to the Coolmath network! These sites got started way back in 1997 to teach math and deliver wholesome fun to people of all ages. We're happy to report that we've convinced millions of people over the years that cool + math is an equation that makes sense!

    Can you still play Papa's games on Coolmath Games? ›

    Although you can still browse the site, most of our games won't work. For the best experience, please use one of these browsers: Chrome. Edge.

    How much money does Coolmath Games make? ›

    Coolmath Games has an estimated 10 employees and an estimated annual revenue of 10.0M....

    What games can I play free? ›

    Here are the top (most popular) free online games to play right now.
    • Mahjongg Dimensions. Mahjongg Dimensions is a 3D take on the popular tile-based game. ...
    • Sudoku is a classic logic puzzle that first appeared in Japan in 1986. ...
    • Spider Solitaire. ...
    • Bubble Shooter.

    Why are Flash games going away? ›

    Sites that hosted Flash games were (either complicity or ignorantly) delivering viruses and TH's to their users. Flash is just insecure, and there was no way to patch all the holes. That's why Adobe deprecated Flash and why most browsers block it by default.

    How can I play Flash games without Flash? ›

    Adobe Flash might be officially dead, but Flash games will never die. Although Adobe stopped supporting Flash Player on December 31, 2020, you can still play Flash games today.
    How to Play Flash Games Without Adobe Flash Player
    1. BlueMaxima's Flashpoint. ...
    2. The Flash Game Archive. ...
    3. The Internet Archive. ...
    4. Newgrounds.
    4 Aug 2022

    How do I get Flash games to work? ›

    To play games with the Flash Game Archive, follow these instructions:
    1. Visit Flash Game Archive.
    2. Download the correct version for your operating system.
    3. Install Flash Game Archive.
    4. Once the installation process finishes, launch it.
    5. Load any Flash games you have.
    6. Start playing.
    2 Aug 2022

    How many games does Coolmath Games have? ›

    Sourced and licensed 1,000+ new games across our web properties.

    Is Coolmath game educational? ›

    Our games have a purpose beyond just plain entertainment -- and that's to enhance your brain by acting as not only entertaining games, but educational games as well. These educational games tend to disguise learning and skill improvement behind a playful atmosphere that's appealing to users of all ages.

    How many games does Coolmath Games have? ›

    Sourced and licensed 1,000+ new games across our web properties.

    Who started Coolmath? ›

    Cool Math Games is operated by Coolmath LLC and first went online in 1997 with the slogan "Where logic & thinking meets fun & games.". The site maintains a policy that it will only host games that the operators believe are non-violent and educational and is partnered with and

    Do you have to pay for Coolmath Games? ›

    Premium Membership includes ad-free experience, unlimited big screen mode, access to all premium avatars, premium themes and a custom nickname, plus unlimited playlists. Learn More. $5.99/month membership. Cancel Anytime Switch to Annual Pricing.

    Is cool maths an educational game? ›

    Our games have a purpose beyond just plain entertainment -- and that's to enhance your brain by acting as not only entertaining games, but educational games as well. These educational games tend to disguise learning and skill improvement behind a playful atmosphere that's appealing to users of all ages.

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    Author: Aracelis Kilback

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    Views: 6428

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    Author information

    Name: Aracelis Kilback

    Birthday: 1994-11-22

    Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

    Phone: +5992291857476

    Job: Legal Officer

    Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

    Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.