How to Write a Formal Essay: Example, Format, & Formal Writing Rules (2025)

If you’re a student, you’ve heard about a formal essay: a factual, research-based paper written in 3rd person. Most students have to produce dozens of them during their educational career. 

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How to Write a Formal Essay: Example, Format, & Formal Writing Rules (1)

Writing a formal essay may not be the easiest task. But fear not: our custom-writing team is here to guide you through the process. This article will:

  • explain what a formal essay is;

  • show how to write it step by step;

  • provide you with an essay sample. 


  1. 👔 Formal Essay Definition

  2. ✅ How to Write

  3. ✍️ Writing Rules

  4. 🖥️ Essay Format

  5. 📑 Sample Paper

  6. ❓ FAQs

  7. 🔍 References

👔 Formal Essay Definition

A formal essay is a well-structured piece of writing with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. This type of essay often includes cited research, uses an academic tone, and is written in 3rd person. While writing a formal essay, it’s necessary to back up your arguments with factual evidence.

What Is an Informal Essay vs. Formal Essay?

Essays come in two formats: formal and informal (also known as personal.) They differ in terms of style and context. You can choose one of the formats depending on the situation and the type of paper you need to write.

Don’t know how to tell the difference between them? Well, here are some key characteristics of these essay types:

Characteristics Informal essay Formal essay
Purpose Usually, the purpose of an informal essay is to share opinions or to entertain the reader. A formal essay aims to critically analyze facts, details, and ideas to prove a point. 
Pronouns use Addresses the reader directly and uses 1st-person pronouns. Uses 3rd-person pronouns and doesn’t address the reader.
Objectivity Expresses the writer’s thoughts and opinions and tends to be more subjective. Strives to be objective and uses arguments to support its ideas.
Structure Doesn’t have to be as structured as a formal essay. Should be well-structured and logical.
Thesis statement The thesis may be stated in any part of the work or not explicitly stated at all. The thesis is clearly stated and located in the essay’s first paragraph.
Word choice Uses everyday language, slang, 1st- and 2nd-person pronouns such as “I,” “you,” and “me.” Uses jargon and avoids using slang and 1st- or 2nd-person pronouns.

As you can see, these types of writing are almost total opposites. Informal essays are only reserved for creative assignments, which means that most of the papers you write need to be formal.

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Our article on creative essays can help you write an informal paper. But how do you craft a perfect formal essay? Keep reading to find out.

✅ How to Write a Formal Essay

Traditionally, a formal essay it’s composed of 3 sections: an introduction, 3 or more body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Let’s examine each part in detail.

Formal Essay Introduction

The introduction is what your essay starts with. Its primary goal is to catch the reader’s attention with a hook, briefly introduce the topic, and lead toward the thesis statement located at the end of the first paragraph.

Here is what you might want to keep in mind while writing the introduction:

✔️ It should be related to the topic and give the reader an overall idea of the paper.
✔️ It’s good to start your introduction with a quotation, an interesting fact, or a statistic.
Try not to make the introduction too far-fetched or in-your-face.
Avoid using questions in an introduction of a formal essay.

If you want some more inspiration for your introduction, check out our article on hooks in writing.

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Now on to the thesis statement: the key idea of your essay. When working on it, keep in mind that it should answer the central question in your topic and reflect your essay’s overall structure. your essay’s overall structure.

Suppose your topic is related to the teaching methods involving poetry. In that case, the thesis statement can be like this:


Teaching methods that involve reading and writing poetry in elementary school are beneficial for children as they enhance their capacity for empathy, develop creativity, and help with self-realization.

Formal Essay Body

The next part of an essay is the main body paragraphs. They support the thesis statement with well-developed arguments and explore the topic in-depth. Each body paragraph starts with a topic sentence stating its main point. The length of a paragraph can vary, but the best option is to have between 4 and 7 sentences.

To make the text flow easily, you may use transitional words. Here are some examples:

  • after all, 

  • for instance, 

  • on the one/other hand, 

  • initially, 

  • as a result.

How to Write a Formal Essay Conclusion

Lastly, every essay needs closure. A good conclusion summarizes the essay’s main ideas, includes a paraphrased thesis, and encourages the readers to think more about the topic.

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The structure of a conclusion may change slightly depending on the subject. For instance, it can suggest some solutions to a problem, express an opinion, or give a recommendation. It’s important to remember that the conclusion is a part that emphasizes your essay’s most important points and doesn’t introduce new information.

If you’re curious about writing each essay part, check out our article on 5-paragraph essays.

✍️ Formal Writing Rules

Just like choosing the proper attire to wear to a formal event, we need to use the right words while writing a formal essay. Here are some suggestions that can help you maintain a formal tone in your paper:  

Dos of formal writing

  • Pay attention to your vocabulary. The words you will use in a formal essay will likely have a nuanced meaning. Make sure you know exactly what the terms mean, and do your best to sound precise.

  • Use punctuation correctly. Here are some of the things to watch out for:Avoid exclamation marks;Use dashes for insertions;Use colons with enumerations;If you’re unsure of whether to use a punctuation mark or not, rewrite the sentence in a way that doesn’t require it.

  • Use varied sentence structure. In formal writing, there is always a danger of sounding monotonous. Avoid repeating sentence structures to make your essay more readable.

  • Provide references. It’s essential to cite every idea that you borrow. Try to paraphrase quotations from your sources: it will help you avoid plagiarism.

Don’ts of formal writing

  • Avoid using pronouns. With words such as “I,” “me,” “we,” or “us,” an essay becomes wordy. It also makes the author seem less sure of their ideas. If you want to use personal pronouns, try substituting them with words like “the reader,” “viewers,” or “one.”

  • Avoid using slang expressions and nonstandard diction. Slang words in a formal essay will make it less appealing to the readers. If you want to be taken seriously, it’s best to avoid those expressions and use proper Standard English.

  • Avoid informal tone. When you write a formal essay, incorporate the language and the expressions you would use while delivering a speech, not the words you use when you casually talk to friends. A formal tone suggests that the author is serious about the topic and respects the audience.

  • Avoid passive voice. Passive verbs are hard to read, and they are wordy. Use active voice to sound more straightforward and concise.

Contractions in Formal Writing

A contraction is usually a combination of two words into one, such as “don’t,” “isn’t,” “can’t,” and “wouldn’t.” When you work on a formal essay, it’s essential to be careful about contractions. It’s inappropriate to use them in academic writing, so it’s best to stick to the full variant.

However, there are exceptions to this rule. For instance, when working with direct quotations, it’s essential to reproduce words exactly as they are used in the original. To learn more about it, be sure to check out the University of North Florida’s article on in-text citations.

What to Use Instead of “You” in an Essay

Another common mistake students make is using the “you” and “yours” pronouns to address the readers. This mistake can make the essay overly informal and lead to misinterpretations of the text.

How do you fix it? Our advice is to replace 2nd-person pronouns with the following words:

  • readers,

  • viewers,

  • one,

  • people,

  • individuals,

  • person,

  • anybody,

  • someone.

You can find more formal writing tips in this informative video from Smrt English:

🖥️ Formal Essay Format

Now that we’ve discussed formal essay writing in detail, it’s time to look at the formatting. A formal essay is usually written in MLA or APA formats. If you’re asked to write a paper in one of these formats, you may find the guidelines below helpful:

Title Write your name, the instructor’s name, your class, and the date in the upper left corner of the 1st page. Make the title centered and place it after the heading information in the same font as the rest of your paper. Create a separate title page. Make your title centered and written in boldface. Add your name, instructor’s name, school affiliation, and date.
Page Numbers Write your last name and the number of each page in the upper right corner. Write the number of each page in the upper right corner.
Font Use 12-point Times New Roman font.
Double Space Make your essay double-spaced without extra spacing between the paragraphs.
Margins Add a 1-inch margin on each side of the page.
Identification Make the 1st line of each paragraph indented 1/5 inch.
Align Left Line up your text flush against the left margin. 

📑 Formal Essay Example

Here is an excellent sample of a formal essay that uses all the guidelines mentioned in this article. It will help you to produce a perfect paper of your own:


Title Adverse effects of sponsorship in the sports industry
Introduction Sponsorship plays a significant role in the sports industry these days. Many sports associations, football leagues, and clubs are entering partnerships with famous brands. However, it does not mean that all sponsorship has a good impact. This essay argues that a questionable sponsorship may undermine the image of a sport or a team and adversely influence the viewers.
1st Body Paragraph Important sports events such as FIFA or The Olympic Games are sponsored by brands such as Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Cadbury’s, and Budweiser. These are also brands that promote unhealthy lifestyles and foods that lack nutritional value and have high levels of salt, sugar, and saturated fats. Such kind of sponsorship aims to obtain a favorable change in the attitude toward the brand itself by connecting it with sport and a healthy lifestyle.
2nd Body Paragraph While alcohol and junk food brands link themselves to sports bodies and active lifestyles, their main targets are children and sports fans. The growing popularity of products high in saturated fat, salt, and sugar, including potato chips, sugary drinks, and confectionary, results in them being not simply a treat but a daily staple for many people. It creates various health issues, such as obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay.
3rd Body Paragraph Finally, an association with a widely criticized brand is likely to damage the reputation of a team or even a sport itself (Crompton, 2014). People tend to expect their favorite teams to partner with fair, responsible sponsors. If the partnership is questionable, the fans may think that the sports body compromised their virtue for profit.
Conclusion To sum up, some kinds of sponsorship, such as alcohol or junk food, may use the sport’s image to attract more people and increase sales. It leads to the excessive consumption of sponsored products by children and teenagers and causes various health issues. It is also likely to affect the public image of a sports body.

For more information, check out Purdue OWL’s resources on various formatting styles.

Thanks for reading through this guide! We hope that you found it helpful and now have a better idea of how to write an excellent formal essay. Don’t hesitate to share our article with a friend who may need it. Good luck!

Further reading:

❓ Formal Essay FAQs

Can you use “I” in a formal essay?

It’s best not to use pronouns such as “I,” “my,” “we,” “our,” etc., in a formal essay since it give the paper an informal tone and the text becomes wordy. It also makes the writer seem less sure about their ideas.

Can you use parentheses in a formal essay?

It’s better to avoid using parentheses and dashes in formal academic writing. If the information you want to include in the essay is important enough, it should be a part of the sentence. Otherwise, you can simply omit it.

What are the major differences between a formal and informal essay?

The formal and informal essays differ in style and context. While a formal essay is a piece of well-structured writing that tries to convince the reader by providing arguments, an informal essay has no set structure. It reflects the author’s personal thoughts or opinions.

Can you start a sentence with “because” in formal writing?

Starting your sentence with “because” in formal writing is not the best idea. The word “because” is a subordinate conjunction, which means it’s used to join the main clause to a subordinate clause, not to start a sentence.

What should you always avoid in formal writing?

It’s best to avoid using 1st- and 2nd-person pronouns, slang expressions, nonstandard diction, and contractions in a formal essay. They are primarily used in daily speech and are considered inappropriate in academic writing. 

🔍 References

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This article was developed by the editorial team of, a professional writing service with 3-hour delivery.

How to Write a Formal Essay: Example, Format, & Formal Writing Rules (2025)


What are the rules of formal writing? ›

Characteristics of formal writing style
  • Use proper grammar and terminology. Stay away from slang, figures of speech, abbreviated words. ...
  • Take an objective approach. ...
  • Use full words instead of contractions or acronyms.
20 Apr 2022

How do you start a formal essay? ›

  1. Step 1: Hook your reader. Your first sentence sets the tone for the whole essay, so spend some time on writing an effective hook. ...
  2. Step 2: Give background information. ...
  3. Step 3: Present your thesis statement. ...
  4. Step 4: Map your essay's structure. ...
  5. Step 5: Check and revise.
4 Feb 2019

How do you write a rule for an essay? ›

Here are the seven essay writing rules:
  1. Here are the seven essay writing rules:
  2. Write in complete sentences. ...
  3. Write in third person. ...
  4. Do not abbreviate. ...
  5. Do not use slang, such as kids. ...
  6. Do not use contractions. ...
  7. Do not use figures of speech. ...
  8. Do not over-use the same words or phrases.
24 May 2009

What is the format of essay? ›

A basic essay consists of three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. This basic essay format will help you to write and organize an essay. However, flexibility is important. While keeping this basic essay format in mind, let the topic and specific assignment guide the writing and organization.

What is formal written essay? ›

A formal essay is a well-structured piece of writing with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. This type of essay often includes cited research, uses an academic tone, and is written in 3rd person. While writing a formal essay, it's necessary to back up your arguments with factual evidence.

What is formal writing example? ›

Writing professionally (reaching out to a client or prospect) Academic writings (essays, research papers, etc.) Job applications (resume writing, CVs, and cover letters) Reaching out to someone you do not know.

What are 3 types of formal writing? ›

Formal writing includes business writing, formal letters, and academic writing.

What is the example of formal? ›

The definition of formal is something that follows rules, is a dressy or important occasion, or something that has official sanctioning or approval. An example of formal is a dinner party at a mansion where everyone dresses up in fancy clothes and is very polite.

What is a formal style of writing? ›

Formal language is characterized by the use of standard English, more complex sentence structures, infrequent use of personal pronouns, and lack of colloquial or slang terms.

What are the three parts of a formal essay? ›

The main parts (or sections) to an essay are the intro, body, and conclusion. In a standard short essay, five paragraphs can provide the reader with enough information in a short amount of space.

How do you write a formal paragraph? ›

A paragraph consists of several sentences that are grouped together. This group of sentences together discuss one main subject. In U.S. formal academic English, paragraphs have three principal parts. These three parts are the topic sentence, body sentences, and the concluding sentence.

Why is it important to format an essay? ›

One of the main purposes of academic writing, like all writing, is to communicate. Proper formatting can facilitate clear communication, signal to the reader that you are knowledgeable about how to communicate with others in your field, and convey a degree of professionalism.

What is the easiest writing format? ›

MLA Essay Format

MLA is often the style teachers prefer their students to use because it has simple, clear rules to follow without extraneous inclusions often not needed for school papers.

Can you start a formal essay with a question? ›

By asking a question in your essay opening, you're directly inviting the reader to interact with your work. They don't get to be a passive consumer; they're now part of the conversation. This can be a very engaging way to start an essay.

What is the first paragraph in a formal essay called? ›

The introductory paragraph, or opening paragraph, is the first paragraph of your essay. It introduces the main idea of your essay, captures the interest of your readers, and tells why your topic is important.

Can a formal essay be in first person? ›

The first person point of view is considered informal, and is not encouraged in academic writing. First person can appear to weaken the credibility of the writer in research and argument, as it reads as the writer's personal opinion.

What is an example of a formal sentence? ›

In formal language, grammar is more complex and sentences are generally longer. For example: We regret to inform you that the delivery will be delayed due to adverse weather conditions [formal]

Why is it important to follow the rules in formal writing? ›

Clarity and precision: Using language in ways that follow agreed-upon rules can lead to greater clarity for readers familiar with these rules.

How write formal in English? ›

Formal Writing Voice
  1. Do not use first-person pronouns ("I," "me," "my," "we," "us," etc.). ...
  2. Avoid addressing readers as "you." ...
  3. Avoid the use of contractions. ...
  4. Avoid colloquialism and slang expressions. ...
  5. Avoid nonstandard diction. ...
  6. Avoid abbreviated versions of words. ...
  7. Avoid the overuse of short and simple sentences.

What are the 5 examples of academic writing? ›

Common Types of Academic Writing
  • Essay.
  • Research paper.
  • Research proposal.
  • Thesis and dissertation.
  • Lab report.
  • Literature review,
  • Annotated bibliography.

What are the 5 types of formal letter? ›

Types of Formal Letter
  • Letter of Enquiry.
  • Order Letter.
  • Letter of Complaint.
  • Reply to a Letter of Complaint.
  • Promotion Letter.
  • Sales Letter.
  • Recovery Letter.
23 Oct 2022

What are examples of formal and informal sentences? ›

Informal: The balloon was blown up for the experiment. Formal: The balloon was inflated for the experiment. Informal: The patient got over his illness. Formal: The patient recovered from his illness.

What should you always avoid in formal writing? ›

You should try to avoid expressions that are too informal, unsophisticated, vague, exaggerated, or subjective, as well as those that are generally unnecessary or incorrect.

What is the difference between a formal and informal essay? ›

Formal essays may be research based, factual and usually written in a third person point of view (he, she, her, and himself). Informal essays on the other hand are also known as personal essays and are mostly subjective with the writer giving his/her opinion. It is usually written in a first person voice.

What are some good formal writing topics? ›

What formal writing topics are there?
  • Should we have to do homework? ...
  • What are the arguments for and against driving cars?
  • Are actors and professional athletes paid too much?
  • Do you think there is life on other planets?
  • Do video games make people violent? ...
  • Should students be made to wear uniforms at school?

How do you write formal and informal? ›

People usually write formal letters in the first or third person, while informal letters can be from any point of view. Formal letters are focused and concise and do not include filler or fluff. Formal letters are usually typed, while informal letters can also be handwritten.

How can I be formal? ›

To act formally, you want to avoid casual language and informal words, practice proper etiquette, and dress in nice, clean, and proper clothes. However, formal behavior also means being polite, mature, and sensitive to the feelings of those around you.

How many paragraphs is an essay? ›

Arguably the most common essay format is the standard five-paragraph essay. This essay devotes a paragraph each to the introduction, conclusion, and three different supporting details. Let's break down what each of those sections includes.

How do you conclude a formal essay? ›

A conclusion paragraph does:
  1. Summarize the essay's thesis and evidence to further convince the reader.
  2. Elevate your essay by adding new insight or something extra to impress the reader.
  3. Leave a personal impression that connects you more closely to the reader.
7 Apr 2021

How do you start a formal sentence? ›

10 Tips for Starting a Sentence
  1. Consider your central theme. Before you get started constructing a sentence, consider what your essential point is. ...
  2. Examine the previous sentence. ...
  3. Use transition words. ...
  4. Use a preposition. ...
  5. Try a subject opener. ...
  6. Try a clausal opener. ...
  7. Use an “ing” word. ...
  8. Use an “ed” word.
7 Sept 2021

How many sentences should be in a formal paragraph? ›

Aim for three to five or more sentences per paragraph. Include on each page about two handwritten or three typed paragraphs. Make your paragraphs proportional to your paper. Since paragraphs do less work in short papers, have short paragraphs for short papers and longer paragraphs for longer papers.

What is the first rule of writing? ›

“Show, Don't Tell” is an important rule when it comes to writing your story, it is the magic technique that breathes life and energy into any story. Show, Don't Tell.

What is the most important rule in writing? ›

This is why my number one rule of writing is: Be True To Yourself. No matter the tools taught, the theories posited, or the rules laid forth, you can't write well unless you write in the way most productive and effective for you.

What are the 5 main parts of an essay? ›

An outline is often used to demonstrate the content of most five-paragraph essays:
  • Introduction.
  • Body. First Point. Second Point. Third Point.
  • Conclusion.

› ... › Tips For Adult Students ›

Every essay--regardless of its topic--should include a title, purpose/thesis, introduction, body, and conclusion.

How to Write an Essay › Grammar › Grammar
research the topic; choose a writing style; develop a thesis; outline your essay; write your essay; edit your writing to check spelling and grammar. While this ...
Expository essays provide a clear, focused, balanced explanation of a topic. Unlike an argumentative essay, expository essays avoid “I” or “you” statements and ...

What are the three parts of a formal essay? ›

The main parts (or sections) to an essay are the intro, body, and conclusion. In a standard short essay, five paragraphs can provide the reader with enough information in a short amount of space.

Can you start a formal essay with a question? ›

By asking a question in your essay opening, you're directly inviting the reader to interact with your work. They don't get to be a passive consumer; they're now part of the conversation. This can be a very engaging way to start an essay.

Can you use i in a formal essay? ›

In academic or college writing, most formal essays and research reports use third person pronouns and do not use “I” or “you.”

Can a formal essay be in first person? ›

The first person point of view is considered informal, and is not encouraged in academic writing. First person can appear to weaken the credibility of the writer in research and argument, as it reads as the writer's personal opinion.

How many paragraphs is an essay? ›

Arguably the most common essay format is the standard five-paragraph essay. This essay devotes a paragraph each to the introduction, conclusion, and three different supporting details. Let's break down what each of those sections includes.

What are the 7 elements of an essay? ›

7 Essential Elements Of A Perfect Essay
  • # 1 – Do your Research. ...
  • # 2 – Outline Your Essay. ...
  • # 3 – The Introduction. ...
  • # 4 – The Body. ...
  • # 5 – The Conclusion. ...
  • # 6 – Proofreading & Editing. ...
  • # 7 – Read It One More Time! ...
  • Write The Perfect Essay Every Time!

How do I start my introduction? ›

How to Write a Good Introduction
  1. Keep your first sentence short.
  2. Don't repeat the title.
  3. Keep the introduction brief.
  4. Use the word “you” at least once.
  5. Dedicate 1-2 sentences to articulating what the article covers.
  6. Dedicate 1-2 sentences to explaining why the article is important.
30 Jul 2019

How do you write a formal paragraph? ›

A paragraph consists of several sentences that are grouped together. This group of sentences together discuss one main subject. In U.S. formal academic English, paragraphs have three principal parts. These three parts are the topic sentence, body sentences, and the concluding sentence.

What is a good word to start an essay? ›

In view of; in light of; considering

These essay phrases are useful to begin your essay. They help you pose your argument based on what other authors have said or a general concern about your research. They can also both be used when a piece of evidence sheds new light on an argument.

What is an example of formal writing? ›

Writing professionally (reaching out to a client or prospect) Academic writings (essays, research papers, etc.) Job applications (resume writing, CVs, and cover letters) Reaching out to someone you do not know.

Can you use everyone in a formal essay? ›

Here are several words you should seldom use in academic essays, although they might be perfectly acceptable in certain contexts and in other kinds of essays: (1) "totalizing" words such as always, never, everyone, all, every, everywhere, totally, absolutely, and so on.

Which sentence is an example of formal language? ›

In formal language, grammar is more complex and sentences are generally longer. For example: We regret to inform you that the delivery will be delayed due to adverse weather conditions [formal] Sorry, but the delivery will be late because of the weather [informal]

How do I start an essay about myself? ›

To get started, check out these 9 tips on how to write an essay about yourself:
  1. Create a List of Questions. ...
  2. Brainstorm and Outline. ...
  3. Be Vulnerable. ...
  4. Use Personal Examples. ...
  5. Write in the First Person. ...
  6. Don't Be Afraid to Show Off…But Stay on Topic! ...
  7. Show Personality. ...
  8. Know Your Audience.
14 Jan 2020

How do you write an essay without using I? ›

Use the third person point of view.

Never use “I,” “my,” or otherwise refer to yourself in formal academic writing. You should also avoid using the second-person point of view, such as by referring to the reader as “you.” Instead, write directly about your subject matter in the third person.

What can I use instead of I in formal writing? ›

Third-person pronouns are the best choice in most college or academic writing. However, they can be sued in writing research reports and formal essays. Therefore, they are used to replace the first and second-person points of view.

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How to Write a Formal Essay › our-services › how-to-write-... › our-services › how-to-write-...
Essays are such kind of writing which debates a definite topic by presenting a thesis and supporting arguments. Basically, it seems too difficult to define the ...

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