Guide to Financial Literacy for Kids & Teens | Mydoh (2024)

As a parent, it’s easy enough to talk to your kids about what they’re doing at school, which shows they’re binge-watching, or what they want for dinner. So why is it so hard to talk about finances?

Let’s be honest: Teaching kids about something like financial literacy can be intimidating, especially if you feel like you’re not a financial whiz yourself. Perhaps you never got much of a financial education growing up, were taught not to flaunt wealth, or grew up with financial insecurity.

And even parents who are comfortable talking about money may not know how to break down seemingly complex financial issues in a way their tweens and teens are going to understand.

But, the thing is, building financial literacy pays off. A 2018 worldwide survey of 15-year-olds found that Canadian teens who talked about finances with their parents—even just once a week—scored 33 points higher in financial literacy than those who did not. This translates to having confidence in planning and tracking spending, which helps teens build a financially secure future.

That’s why we’ve put together this parents’ guide to help you to pass on a solid financial education to your kids. If tweens and teens can grasp basic economic concepts and learn how to use financial tools and access resources, then they’re more likely to be successful at managing their finances as adults. And that’s a win-win for everyone.

What is financial literacy?

In general, financial literacy is learning the basics of how money works in our society, including how to earn, save, and protect it. And helping kids understand what to do with their first earned dollars is one of the first steps in teaching them. From there, kids can start to grasp the concept of savings, how to budget, and eventually how to manage debt. Casual, in-the-moment conversations about all the ways money supports the family, from buying groceries to paying down the mortgage, offer kids real-life examples of decisions they’ll make later in life.

Want to learn more about financial literacy for kids? Read “How to Teach Kids About Money at an Early Age” for tips!

Why is financial literacy important for youth?

Teaching kids about money often starts with a cute preschooler piggy bank. But tweens and teens need guidance to help them navigate the world of personal finance, so they’re more likely to make smart decisions when they’re older. From buying groceries to getting the best internet service provider to saving and investing money, financial literacy makes these everyday money decisions easier to navigate.

Developing solid financial literacy also helps kids become smart shoppers: They learn how to get the best deals for their money, while budgeting for goals and using the resources they have wisely. Advanced financial skills, such as knowing how to tap into government tax credits or investing with a robo-advisor, also help ensure a bright financial future for your burgeoning young adults.

Watching your kids become more self-confident and capable with financial matters will give you the satisfaction of knowing you gave them the leg up they needed. And that’s why it’s smart to make kids comfortable with money talk as soon as possible.

Read more about reasons why financial literacy is important

How do you explain financial literacy to a child?

Teaching kids about financial literacy should start at home with open communication. It doesn’t have to be a structured conversation, either. Use teachable moments that come up every day to talk to your kids about money and finances.

Maybe you see a news item about a company seeking bankruptcy protection—use this to talk about how personal debt might lead to bankruptcy. Or, when you’re tapping your debit or credit card at the gas pump, explain what that means, and that fuel isn’t free. Explain how you made decisions about money that day, and how a budget helps you stay on track and achieve your goals.

Financial education can also be learning on the go. Say your teen calls in a panic because she’s lost her credit card; instead of making accusations or judgments, walk them calmly through the next steps.

You don’t have to pretend you know everything, either. It’s also a valuable lesson for your kids to see you seeking answers, especially if you have your own financial weak spots. And be honest—kids are excellent lie detectors. If you feel that you could have made better choices, or struggle to balance a budget, share this information using language they will understand. If you can remove anxiety around financial topics, then kids will learn that money is not something they have to avoid talking about. In fact, being open about your own money management will help empower them.

Guide to Financial Literacy for Kids & Teens | Mydoh (1)

5 key components of financial literacy

We’ve broken down five key components of financial education for tweens and teens, and how parents can tackle each—one conversation at a time.

1. Earning money

Tweens and teens will more easily grasp the idea of money when it’s up to them to earn their own. Setting up an earnings-based allowance can help them develop an understanding of the value associated with money and what it takes to earn it. And if the thought of becoming your child’s employer and payroll department sounds like yet another massive task on your parenting list, the Mydoh app for parents and kids helps shoulder that responsibility. Designed for kids as young as six-years-old, the app lets you set up chores and pay out a weekly allowance that kids and teens can spend on a Smart Cash Card safely and securely. Mydoh also gives you access to their spending activities and parents can encourage good financial choices with emojis.

Tips for parents

  • Financial literacy for teens could mean paying an allowance biweekly, or even monthly. That way, your teens can practise budgeting their money over a longer period of time.
  • When your tween or teen has their eye on bigger-ticket items, like concert tickets or a new gaming computer, consider setting up extra or one-off chores around the house (you can easily do this on the Mydoh app!).
  • You may choose to stop giving your teens an allowance when they reach a certain age, or when they’re old enough to get a part-time job. From there, you can have conversations about how to read a paycheque, double-checking that the hours they were paid match the hours they worked, plus give your kids an introduction to filing income taxes.

2. Spending cash

Kick-start your kid’s financial education by helping them create a personal budget, which helps give them control over how they spend their money. Balancing a budget will help them track the money coming in and going out, plan for short- and long-term goals, manage monthly expenses, prepare for unexpected surprises, and decrease unnecessary spending or impulse buys.

Tips for parents:

  • Make budgeting simpler by taking advantage of tools that help track spending. Have your kids record their spending in a notebook, spreadsheet, or an app that tracks saving and spending, so they know exactly where their money is going. The Mydoh Smart Cash Card lets kids (and parents!) see how much money they have to part with when buying something they want.
  • Talk to tweens and teens about buying what they need and discourage impulse shopping by making a list before they head out. Help your kids realize the impact that marketing campaigns and influencers can have on their spending, too.
  • Encourage kids to do their research if they’re buying from a company online. Is it a reputable site? Some red flags to look for when shopping online include: unbelievable deals, unclear return policy, the site looks poorly designed or contains no contact information. Remind them to factor shipping costs and sales tax into the budget as well.
  • Help kids understand what is free and what costs money (or costs them their personal data or privacy) when playing online games, downloading songs, or streaming movies or TV shows.

3. Saving and investing

The sooner kids learn the concept of saving money, the bigger their financial literacy head start. By the time your child is nine or 10 years old, or even younger, they can understand concepts like needs versus wants. Tweens and teens can also grasp the importance of saving money and planning for short- and long-term goals. Teens can set up a basic personal savings account to get comfortable with everyday banking and learn the concept of earning interest on their money. You may even want to match their savings to support the good habit of saving money.

Tips for parents

  • Help your child develop a charitable mindset by encouraging them to set aside money for donations. Start with a conversation about causes they’re interested in and may want to support. This discussion could then lead to learning how receipts from charities registered with the Canada Revenue Agency can be claimed on their income tax return in the future, thereby lowering their taxable income.
  • Another simple way to boost financial literacy for teenagers is to open a practice investment portfolio to help them learn about income and growth. The practice investment portfolio is free, but teens will need to be enrolled in RBC online banking to set up their practice account.

Mydoh’s savings goal calculator does the math for you! Teens can calculate how much they earn, spend, and what they can save.

4. Borrowing money

Why do money matters concern teenagers? Debt! You can help your kids stay out of a bad debt cycle by teaching them about borrowing before they get their first credit card.

Emphasize how important it is to pay a credit card bill in full every month to avoid accruing interest charges. Make sure teens understand that making the minimum payment on a credit card bill will cost them—the added interest will make items they buy more expensive than the sticker price. Plus, the longer they take to pay back that debt, the more interest they’ll accumulate, and the harder it will be to pay off the original amount they borrowed.

Teaching kids about borrowing money also includes a conversation on credit reports and scores—but this topic shouldn’t be all doom and gloom. Teens can learn that if they manage a credit card well, they can actually boost their credit rating. On the flip side, skipping a credit card payment may seem harmless to a teen, but it can have long-term repercussions. Not paying your bills on time can negatively impact their credit score, meaning it would be harder to get a car loan, rent an apartment, or even get a job (some employers do credit checks as part of the interview process).

Tips for parents

  • If you use credit cards openly and wisely, then your child will be more likely to follow your example.
  • Reinforce the idea that a credit card isn’t free money. Use a loan repayment calculator to show tweens and teens how much a last-minute, discounted vacation would actually cost them if they only paid the minimum amount each month.

5. Protecting themselves

It’s true that most kids are more tech-savvy than their parents, but tweens and teens may not yet have the experience to deal with identity theft or online scams that target impressionable kids. And that’s not all—not every kid understands the importance of security. “What’s the big deal?” they like to ask. Talk to your kids about online privacy and security, such as password-protecting all their devices, and why it’s important not to share personal information, such as their address, with anyone online.

As a parent, stress to your kids how important it is to look for secure sites before providing payment or identifying information. Kids often have no idea that a fun quiz or personality survey they’re taking online could actually be hackers phishing for information. Teach your kids why it’s important to be vigilant and to check their bank account and credit card statements regularly. If there is a problem, the sooner it’s detected, the less damage to their long-term financial health.

Tips for parents

  • Teach kids to never toss old bills or preprinted credit card offers into the trash or recycling bin without shredding them first.
  • Browse websites that begin with HTTPS, which are using encryption policies to protect information.
  • Look for the green lock symbol in the address bar of websites, especially if kids are buying goods or sharing personal information.
  • Be extra cautious when browsing on mobile devices—website addresses are shortened and may not be what you think they are.
Guide to Financial Literacy for Kids & Teens | Mydoh (2)

How can kids improve financial literacy?

Once you teach your children about money and finances, don’t think you can sit back and rest easy! Like many subjects in life, it’s important to keep talking to them regularly. Kids forget stuff, and if healthy habits aren’t practised and reinforced, they start to lose them. Here are five ways you can help to continually improve your child’s financial literacy as they grow older:

1. Look for everyday opportunities to get kids excited about money matters.

Teach them to get creative and think outside the box: Take a look at family volunteer vacations, where everyone works a little to give back to the local community, instead of an all-inclusive resort. Or teach your fitness-loving teen how to talk to the owner of their favourite (pricey) hot yoga studio to see if they can trade classes for sweat equity. Maybe your tween loves making bracelets; you could have a budding entrepreneur on your hands.

2. Sit down with your kids and discuss what they’re learning in school.

Teens may want to know more about stocks, saving for college or university, or buying their first car. This is a great time to talk about how an RESP is used to save for school tuition, or how a TFSA can help them save for big-ticket items. Remember, the earlier they start saving, the better!

3. Use financial literacy tools, such as calculators and worksheets.

Giving your kids the tools they need to manage their money will help give them a sense of empowerment as they move forward in life. Don’t be afraid to look for outside resources that will help you.

Chartered Professional Accountants Canada have published a book, Raising Money-Smart Kids: How to Teach Your Kids about Money While Learning a Few Things Yourself to help guide parents through the five aspects of money management—earn, save, spend, share, and invest. They also have a financial literacy podcast, Mastering Money.

Giving your kids access to financial literacy tools and resources like the Mydoh money management app and Mydoh Play can also help reinforce money basics in a fun, interactive environment. Kids and teens can learn anything from how money is made (it doesn’t grow on trees!) to handling peer pressure to stock market basics.

4. Ensure they’re enrolled in a financial literacy course.

Some provinces and territories, including Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia, now mandate financial literacy courses in schools. Kids in younger grades can learn about currency and ways to represent different amounts of money. Older students should learn about interest rates, taxes, and balancing budgets.

5. Give them real-world experience

If your teen has a part-time summer job and is trying to figure out their first pay stub and its tax deductions, they’re learning financial skills. You can help them learn where those amounts go if they ask, but don’t be afraid to let them solve their own problems where they can. Kids are more likely to learn best from their own experiences.

How to keep the money conversation going with your kids

Teaching kids about money doesn’t have to be a downer. Use the Mydoh app and Smart Cash Card to help build the foundation of financial literacy for your kids and you’ll be surprised at how much fun it can be. Putting in even a little time to talk to them about money will yield the reward of financial literacy, which will pay off throughout their lives.

Download the Mydoh money management app for parents and kids to get started today.

This article offers general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While the information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author(s) as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsem*nt of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by Royal Bank of Canada or its affiliates.

Guide to Financial Literacy for Kids & Teens | Mydoh (3)

Written by Donna Paris

I am a writer living in Toronto and really wish Mydoh was around when she was a kid. I could have learned a lot about managing money. My number-one tip? Start saving as early as possible, compound interest is a magical thing. But as I've also learned, it’s never too late to start saving!

Guide to Financial Literacy for Kids & Teens | Mydoh (2024)


How do you teach financial literacy to teenagers? ›

Show Tips
  1. Your teen doesn't yet need their own ATM or debit card attached to their account. ...
  2. Have your kids balance their own accounts.
  3. Keep a pulse on your teen's bank balance, saving, and spending via online banking tools and financial apps. ...
  4. Consider using a separate account for college savings.

What are the 5 principles of financial literacy? ›

According to the US Financial Literacy and Education Commission, there are 5 principles of financial literacy.
Financial Education Brush up on the 5 pillars of financial literacy
  • Earn. Understand your pay and benefits to make the most out of what you earn. ...
  • Save and invest. ...
  • Protect. ...
  • Spend. ...
  • Borrow.
6 Apr 2022

How do you start financial literacy for kids? ›

How Can You Start Teaching Your Children Financial Literacy?
  1. Give Monthly Allowance. Calculate and set up a monthly allowance for your children. ...
  2. Have Review Sessions. ...
  3. Set Goals and Save. ...
  4. Get Your Kids Involved. ...
  5. The Real World. ...
  6. Grocery Shopping Turns Classroom. ...
  7. Lessons At The Mall. ...
  8. Get Your Kids To Open A Bank Account.
12 May 2022

What are the 3 main components of financial literacy? ›

Three Key Components of Financial Literacy
  • An Up-to-Date Budget. Some tend to look at the word “budget” as tantamount to the word “diet,” but at its most basic, a budget is just a spending plan. ...
  • Dedicated Savings (and Saving to Spend) ...
  • ID Theft Prevention.

What's the 50 30 20 budget rule? ›

Key Takeaways

The rule states that you should spend up to 50% of your after-tax income on needs and obligations that you must-have or must-do. The remaining half should be split up between 20% savings and debt repayment and 30% to everything else that you might want.

What are some financial goals for a teenager? ›

→ Teen Money Goals
  • Get hired for a first job.
  • Earn enough to buy a prom dress, new electronic, etc.
  • Earn money from a side hustle.
  • Set up a savings account this month.
  • Open an investment account this month.
  • Track your stocks and investments.
  • Download a financial app to track spending.
  • Apply to one new scholarship this week.
4 Jul 2022

What is the most important thing in financial literacy? ›

1. Budget your money. In general, there are four main uses for money: Spending, Investing, Saving, Giving Away. Finding the right balance among these four categories is essential, and a budget can be a very useful tool to help you accomplish this.

Where do I start financial literacy? ›

You can start with magazines and newspapers or look for books that teach literacy in finance. You may also want to look for resources online as well as podcasts and webinars that teach financial literacy, or take a college course in personal finance for a more guided learning approach.

What are the four concept of financial literacy? ›

What is financial literacy? Financial literacy is having a basic grasp of money matters and its four fundamental pillars: debt, budgeting, saving, and investing. It's understanding how to build wealth throughout one's life by leveraging the power of these pillars.

How parents can teach financial literacy? ›

Put them on an allowance and teach them how to save a portion of that allowance for goals, and to set aside funds for short-term expenses they might face. Make sure you teach them to put their budget in writing, and to write their goals down. Handling money: Kids need the experience of handling and spending money.

How do you teach youth about finances? ›

How to Teach Teenagers About Money
  1. Teach them contentment. ...
  2. Give them the responsibility of a bank account. ...
  3. Get them saving for college. ...
  4. Teach them to steer clear of student loans. ...
  5. Teach them the danger of credit cards. ...
  6. Get them on a simple budget. ...
  7. Introduce them to the magic of compound interest.
27 Sept 2021

What are the 5 main components of personal finance? ›

Areas of Personal Finance. The five areas of personal finance are income, saving, spending, investing, and protection.

Why is financial literacy important for youth? ›

Why is financial literacy important for youth? Financial literacy is key to helping young people manage money effectively so that they can become financially stable, build assets and achieve their personal goals. Decisions made in early adulthood can have lasting financial consequences.

What is taught in financial literacy? ›

Financial literacy the knowledge of how to make smart decisions with money. This includes preparing a budget, knowing how much to save, deciding favorable loan terms, understanding impacts to credit, and distinguishing different vehicles used for retirement.

What is the 72 rule in finance? ›

Do you know the Rule of 72? It's an easy way to calculate just how long it's going to take for your money to double. Just take the number 72 and divide it by the interest rate you hope to earn. That number gives you the approximate number of years it will take for your investment to double.

Is saving 1000 a month good? ›

If you start saving $1000 a month at age 20 will grow to $1.6 million when you retire in 47 years. For people starting saving at that age, the monthly payments add up to $560,000: the early start combined with the estimated 4% over the years means that their investments skyrocketed nearly $1.

What are Dave Ramsey's rules? ›

Dave Ramsey's 7 Budgeting Baby Steps
  • Step 1: Start an Emergency Fund. ...
  • Step 2: Focus on Debts. ...
  • Step 3: Complete Your Emergency Fund. ...
  • Step 4: Save for Retirement. ...
  • Step 5: Save for College Funds. ...
  • Step 6: Pay Off Your House. ...
  • Step 7: Build Wealth.
4 Aug 2022

How much money should a teenager have saved up? ›

“A good rule of thumb is to save 10 percent of what you earn, and have at least three months' worth of living expenses saved up in case of an emergency.” Once your teen has a steady job, help him set up a savings program so that at least 10 percent of earnings goes directly into his savings account.

What is basic financial knowledge? ›

It is this knowledge that helps in containing risks and maintaining stability in the financial system. Financial basics explains about Bank accounts, Online and Mobile Banking, Debit Cards, Credit Cards, Cheque, PAN Card, ATM Awareness, Loans, Investments and Insurance and Taxes.

How do you practice financial literacy? ›

The Steps to Financial Literacy
  1. Learn How to Budget. The first step to gain financial literacy is learning how to budget. ...
  2. Understand Your Credit Score. It is very important to understand your credit score. ...
  3. Open a Savings Account. ...
  4. Understand Loans. ...
  5. Secure Your Future. ...
  6. Reduce Spending.

How can you apply financial literacy in your daily life? ›

Financial literacy includes paying off debt, creating a budget, and understanding the difference between various financial instruments. In sum, financial literacy has a material impact on families as they try to balance their budget, buy a home, fund their children's education, or ensure an income for retirement.

What are the five foundations Dave Ramsey? ›

The First Foundation: Save a $500 emergency fund. The Second Foundation: Get out of debt. The Third Foundation: Pay cash for a car. The Fourth Foundation: Pay cash for college.

What are good financial literacy questions? ›

Financial Literacy: Frequently Asked Questions
  • Managing Money. Am I doing OK with my money? ...
  • Banking And Saving. Is my bank insured? ...
  • Credit. What is credit? ...
  • Home Ownership. I don't know if I should rent or buy? ...
  • Education. What is the best way to save for college? ...
  • Insurance. ...
  • How to Invest. ...
  • Investments.

How do you teach financial literacy in schools? ›

Make use of these activities to develop financial literacy among children.
  1. Demonstrate the significance of saving. ...
  2. Make them earn their allowance. ...
  3. Encourage your child to work part-time. ...
  4. Teach them how to keep track of their expenditure. ...
  5. Make it a game. ...
  6. Discuss money directly.
26 Apr 2022

What exactly is financial literacy and why is it necessary? ›

Financial literacy is an understanding of the skills and knowledge that allows an individual to make informed and effective decisions with all of their financial resources. It encompasses budgeting, saving, investing, and includes anything and everything that deals with money management.

What are the principles of saving money? ›

If you want to save more money every month, you need to understand three key principles: budgeting, discipline and simply spending less.

What are 10 ways to save money? ›

Use these money-saving tips to generate ideas about the best ways to save money in your day-to-day life.
  1. Eliminate Your Debt. ...
  2. Set Savings Goals. ...
  3. Pay Yourself First. ...
  4. Stop Smoking. ...
  5. Take a "Staycation" ...
  6. Spend to Save. ...
  7. Utility Savings. ...
  8. Pack Your Lunch.

How do I teach my 10 year old the value of money? ›

  1. Start With the Basics at a Young Age. ...
  2. Instill a Habit of Saving. ...
  3. Create Opportunities to Earn Money. ...
  4. Help Kids Learn to Make Smart Spending Decisions. ...
  5. Show Kids the Value of Giving. ...
  6. Teach Kids How Their Money Can Grow. ...
  7. Model Good Financial Behavior.
18 Feb 2020

At what age do kids understand the value of money? ›

By age 3, your kids can grasp basic money concepts. By age 7, many of their money habits are already set. That doesn't mean you throw in the towel after first grade. Start wringing money lessons out of everyday life.

What are some important things parents should teach their kids about finances? ›

From savings to taxes, here are three pieces of knowledge he says all parents should consider teaching their children when they're young.
  • Teach them the importance of savings. ...
  • Help them understand taxes. ...
  • Walk them through your credit card statement.
1 Feb 2022

Why parents should teach kids about money? ›

Parents can introduce kids to their financial adviser, who will teach them the value of money. Discussing finances and estate with kids ensures your wealth reaches your children when they become adults.

How much should kids save? ›

The 10 Percent Rule

The general rule for saving is that a person should put at least 10 percent of their income away. Most financial experts accept this rule of thumb but point out that it is extremely general.

How do I teach my 16 year old about money? ›

Teaching kids about money
  1. Talk to your kids about money.
  2. Show your kids where money goes.
  3. Get kids involved in money decisions.
  4. Give kids pocket money.
  5. Encourage your kids to save.
  6. Activities for learning about money.

Where do I start financial literacy? ›

You can start with magazines and newspapers or look for books that teach literacy in finance. You may also want to look for resources online as well as podcasts and webinars that teach financial literacy, or take a college course in personal finance for a more guided learning approach.

How do I teach my 15 year old about money? ›

7 Ways to Teach Teens to Manage Money
  1. Set them up with bank accounts. ...
  2. Put them in charge. ...
  3. Foster a savings mindset. ...
  4. Teach them some insurance basics. ...
  5. Create credit smarts. ...
  6. Discuss the economics of higher education. ...
  7. Plant a retirement seed.

How can kids grow their wealth? ›

5 investment options that could help you reach your goals
  1. Savings accounts. One of the ways you can help your kids get set up is by opening a savings account for them. ...
  2. Managed funds. Another investment option is managed funds. ...
  3. Insurance bonds. ...
  5. Super funds.

How do you teach financial literacy in a fun way? ›

Teach your child to save for special items. Sit down together and create a budget. (Example if the item is $100, if they save $10 per week, they'll have enough to purchase their item in 10 weeks). Create a fun chart to show their progress and every time they deposit money, they get to color in a bit more of the chart.

What are the activities for financial literacy? ›

Games for kids
  • No. 1: Cash Puzzler. Ages: 3-6. ...
  • No. 2: Counting with Coins. Ages: 5-10. ...
  • No. 3: Making Change. Ages: 5-10. ...
  • No. 4: Peter Pig's Money Counter. Ages: 5-8. ...
  • No. 5: Wise Pockets. Ages: 5-10. ...
  • No. 1: Balance Your Checking Account. Ages: 14-18. ...
  • No. 2: Chair the Fed. Ages: 11-18. ...
  • No. 3: Credit Clash. Ages: 14-18.
26 Jan 2022

How do you make financial literacy fun? ›

makes finance fun with songs about interest, savings accounts, paying bills, and more. Dynamic animation and catchy songs help children learn basic financial facts while having fun. Search for clips on YouTube or pop in a DVD to teach your children these important and practical lessons in a fun and memorable way.

What are the 5 main components of personal finance? ›

Areas of Personal Finance. The five areas of personal finance are income, saving, spending, investing, and protection.

What are the basic financial literacy lesson should you have? ›

Key steps to attaining financial literacy include learning how to create a budget, track spending, pay off debt, and plan for retirement.

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.