Diamond: Symbolism, Meanings, and History - Symbol Genie (2024)

For centuries, diamonds have been revered for their unrivaled beauty and unique attributes. But did you know that these precious stones also have a long and fascinating history? Today, we’re going to take a look at the diamond symbolism, meanings, and history behind one of the world’s most popular gemstones.

Table of Contents

The History of The Diamond

A long time ago, people believed that diamonds were tears shed by the gods. Greeks thought that they were created when lightning bolts struck rocks. And Hindus believed that diamonds were created from the fires that burned inside of volcanoes. No matter what people thought about their origin, everyone agreed that diamonds were incredibly special stones.

However, the first recorded use of diamonds dates back to ancient India over 3,000 years ago. At that time, diamonds were mainly used as decorative ornaments. It wasn’t until around the 4th century BC that people began assigning more mystical powers to diamonds. Some believed that diamonds had the ability to ward off evil spirits, while others believed that they could provide protection in battle.

During the Middle Ages, diamonds became increasingly popular as symbols of wealth and power. In 1477, the future Archduke Maximilian of Austria commissioned the world’s first diamond engagement ring for his betrothed, Mary of Burgundy. This started a trend that has continued to this day; according to a recent study, roughly 72% of women in the US now wear diamond engagement rings.

The modern diamond industry began to take shape in the late 18th century when a large deposit of diamonds was discovered in Brazil. This triggered a rush of diamond prospectors to the country, and by the early 19th century, diamonds were being mined in several other countries as well, including India, Russia, and South Africa.

Since then, diamonds have been used not only as engagement rings and other pieces of jewelry, but also as investment assets and industrial abrasives. The diamond industry is now worth an estimated $100 billion annually.

The Meaning of Diamonds

Throughout history, diamonds have been associated with a wide range of different meanings and symbolism. Here are just a few of the most common:

  • Love and commitment: As we mentioned earlier, diamonds have long been seen as symbols of everlasting love. This is why they remain the most popular choice for engagement rings to this day.
  • Wealth and power: Diamonds are also associated with wealth and power. This is likely due to their high price tag and the fact that they have been historically associated with royalty.
  • Purity and innocence: In many cultures, diamonds are seen as symbols of purity and innocence. This is likely due to their colorless appearance.
  • Strength and courage: Diamonds are one of the hardest natural materials on Earth, which is why they’re often seen as symbols of strength and courage.

Spiritual Meaning Of Diamonds

In addition to all of the secular symbolism associated with diamonds, there are also a number of different spiritual meanings. The most popular of these is that diamonds represent the purity of one’s soul. In some cultures, diamonds are also seen as symbols of spiritual enlightenment and inner strength.

Here are just a few other common spiritual meanings ascribed to diamonds:

  • A connection to the divine: In many cultures, diamonds are seen as a direct link to the divine. This is likely due to their unrivaled beauty and rarity.
  • A symbol of rebirth: Diamonds are also often seen as symbols of rebirth or new beginnings. This is likely because they are created under immense pressure and
  • The third eye chakra: In Hinduism and Buddhism, diamonds are associated with the third eye chakra. This chakra is said to be responsible for our ability to see clearly, both physically and spiritually.

What Do The Different Diamond Colors Mean?

Diamonds come in a wide range of colors, from the classic white diamond to more rare and exotic colors like blue, yellow, and pink. But what do these different colors mean?

Here are just a few of the most popular interpretations:

  • White diamonds: White diamonds are seen as symbols of purity. They’re also associated with new beginnings.
  • Black diamonds: Black diamonds are associated with strength and power. They’re also said to be protective stones that can ward off negative energy.
  • Blue diamonds: Blue diamonds are often seen as symbols of wisdom and truth. They’re also said to promote peace and calm.
  • Yellow diamonds: Yellow diamonds are associated with joy and happiness. They’re also said to promote creativity and mental clarity.
  • Pink diamonds: Pink diamonds are seen as symbols of love and compassion. They’re also said to promote self-love and acceptance.

How Are Diamonds Formed?

Diamonds are formed deep within the Earth’s mantle, at depths of around 150 kilometers (93 miles). This is where the temperatures and pressures are high enough to allow for diamond formation.

Diamonds are formed when carbon-bearing materials are subjected to extreme heat and pressure. Over time, these materials transform into diamonds. The exact process by which this happens is still not fully understood.

The vast majority of diamonds that have been found are ancient, dating back billions of years. However, it is possible for diamonds to form in much younger rocks. This can happen when a meteorite strikes the Earth’s surface, creating the necessary conditions for diamond formation.

How Are Diamonds Used?

Diamonds have a wide range of different uses, both practical and decorative. The most common use for diamonds is in jewelry. Diamonds are also used in industrial applications, such as drill bits and saw blades.

Other uses for diamonds include:

  • As a symbol of status: Diamonds have long been associated with status, whether to show off wealth or relationship status.
  • As an investment: Diamonds are sometimes purchased as investments due to their rarity and durability.
  • In science: Diamonds are used in a variety of scientific applications, such as in high-powered microscopes and carbon dating.

Diamond Tattoo Meanings

Diamond tattoos can be worn for a variety of different reasons. They can be a symbol of wealth and status, or they can represent the qualities of strength, power, and durability. Diamonds can also be seen as symbols of love and commitment.

Here are just a few ideas for diamond tattoo designs:

  • A single diamond: This can represent anything from wealth and status to strength and power.
  • A ring of diamonds: This can symbolize everlasting love and commitment.
  • A diamond with a color: This can add additional meaning to the tattoo, such as purity (white), wisdom (blue), or joy (yellow).

Diamond tattoos are also popular because of their unique appearance. Diamonds can be inked in a variety of colors, from traditional black to more vibrant colors like pink and blue. They can also be combined with other design elements, such as flowers or other gemstones.

When it comes to diamond tattoo designs, the possibilities are truly endless.

Diamond Jewelry Meaning

We often think of love and luxury when we think of diamond jewelry. However, diamonds have a long and complicated history that goes back much further than the idea of romantic love. In fact, for most of their history, diamonds were more associated with power and religion than anything else.

These days, however, diamonds are more likely to be seen as a symbol of love and commitment. Diamond engagement rings and wedding bands are now common symbols of everlasting love.

If you’re considering giving diamond jewelry to someone you love, here are a few things to keep in mind:

The “4 Cs”

When buying diamond jewelry, it’s essential to keep in mind the “4 Cs.” These are the four factors that determine a diamond’s quality: Carat (weight), Cut, Clarity, and Color.

The “4 Cs” can help you choose a diamond that’s both beautiful and within your budget. Here’s a quick overview of each:

  • Carat weight: This is how a diamond is measured and the diamond’s size.
  • Cut: This refers to the diamond’s symmetry, brightness, fire, and how well the diamond has been cut.
  • Clarity: This is a measure of how many blemishes or inclusions (internal defects) are present in the diamond.
  • Color: The best diamonds are colorless, but diamonds can also be found in a variety of colors, including yellow, pink, and blue.

Remember that you don’t have to choose a diamond with all four of these factors. Instead, focus on the two or three that are most important to you.

The “5th C” – The Setting

When choosing diamond jewelry, it’s also essential to keep in mind the “5th C:” The setting. The setting is just as important as the diamond itself and can significantly affect a piece of jewelry’s appearance.

For example, a solitaire ring will showcase the diamond front and center, while a ring with multiple diamonds will have a more sparkly look.

The setting can also affect a diamond’s durability. A well-made setting will protect the diamond and help it last many years.

When choosing diamond jewelry, take the time to find a setting that you love. It’ll make the piece even more special.

Keep these things in mind, and you’re sure to find the perfect diamond jewelry for your loved one.


From their earliest recorded use up until today, diamonds have been prized for their beauty and durability. Thanks to centuries of myths and legends, they’ve also come to be associated with love, power, and prestige. So the next time you slip on a pair of diamond earrings or admire a sparkling solitaire ring, remember that you’re wearing more than just a piece of jewelry—you’re wearing a little bit of history too.

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Diamond: Symbolism, Meanings, and History - Symbol Genie (2024)


What is the symbolic meaning of a diamond? ›

The diamond is LIGHT, life, the SUN; it is an emblem of purity and perfection, of invincible spiritual power, and it is the stone of committment, faithfulness, and promise between husband and wife. Symbol of light and brilliance; unconquerable; treasures, riches, intellectual knowledge.

How diamonds are used as a status symbol today? ›

It is also a symbol of wealth. Any royal family worth its salt has a collection of large, rare, and extremely valuable diamonds (see Great Britain and Russia for good examples). Diamonds are neither cheap nor abundant, so owning one (or many) can be seen as a symbol of status and wealth.

What do diamonds mean in love? ›

The history of diamonds as a symbol of love. Giving the gift of a diamond says, 'I will always love you'. And it has done so for centuries. Explore history's most romantic love stories through the ages.

What is the meaning of diamond stone? ›

Beyond their modern representations as the stone of marriage and commitment, diamonds have also represented faithfulness, purity and innocence. Diamond is the traditional birthstone for the month of April, and is heralded as the stone of purity and constancy.

What is the history of diamond? ›

Diamond was first discovered and mined in India. In Sanskrit it was addressed as 'vajra', 'thunderbolt' and 'indrayudha' – warrior god Indra's weapon. Early descriptions of diamond date back to the 4th century BC, by when diamonds were a valuable material already.

What is the spiritual power of diamonds? ›

Many cultures believe that diamond crystals cleanse, restore, and balance the mind, body, and soul. Because of their brilliance, they're also associated with the power to illuminate the mind and provide mental clarity. In addition, diamonds are thought to magnify emotions and energies.

Are diamonds a symbol of wealth? ›

Through the ages, diamonds have been a symbol of wealth, perfection, and purity.

What is diamond used for in real life? ›

Very small diamond particles are embedded into saw blades, drill bits and grinding wheels to increase their ability to cut tough materials. Diamond powder, made into a diamond paste, is used for polishing or for very fine grinding. Diamonds are also used to cut and polish other diamonds for jewellery.

What is diamond used for in society? ›

Small particles of diamond can also be embedded in tools like saw blades, drill bits, and grinding wheels. These diamond-coated tools are very wear-resistant and can be used for mining, deep-sea drilling, and road construction. And there are some ingenious uses for diamonds that you may find to be very surprising.

Why are diamonds so special? ›

Diamonds are known for their extreme hardness, unmatched brilliance, and rich sentimental value. They are made of nearly 100% carbon atoms and are so durable that the only other mineral that can scratch a diamond's surface is another diamond.

What is the meaning of diamond life? ›

The amount of cutting a diamond will accomplish before being completely worn away by abrasion. In bits, diamond life usually is expressed in the number of feet drilled in a specific rock before the inset diamonds become too dulled to continue cutting or are lost by rollout or completely worn away by abrasion.

What does diamond mean for a girl? ›

The name translates to “of high value” or “brilliant,” which is fitting given the jewel counterpart's dazzling origin. Much desired and highly valued, Diamond is a gorgeous name for a family's precious new addition.

What are the 5 characteristics of diamond? ›

To make it a little easier, here are are the Five Characteristics of a Diamond you should know: Cut, Color, Clarity, Carat Weight and Certificate.

What are the healing powers of diamonds? ›

Hindus in the ancient times strongly believed that the vibrations of a diamond render a very positive aura to many organs of the body and brain and heart in particular. Other healing powers of diamonds also include protecting the owner from driving away bad dreams, fight depressions and preventing apoplexy.

Are diamonds mentioned in the Bible? ›

Easton's Bible Dictionary - Diamond

A precious stone (Heb. shamir', a sharp point) mentioned in Jeremiah 17:1 . From its hardness it was used for cutting and perforating other minerals. It is rendered "adamant" (q.v.) in Ezekiel 3:9 , Zechariah 7:12 .

What are the 4 types of diamonds? ›

Diamonds are separated into five types: Type Ia, Type Ib, Type 1aB, Type IIa, and Type IIb. The impurities measured are at the atomic level within the crystal lattice of carbon atoms and so, unlike inclusions, require an infrared spectrometer to detect.

Is a diamond an element? ›

While a diamond is composed of 100% of carbon with no other elements involved, it is not an element but simply an allotrope of the element carbon.

Do diamonds radiate energy? ›

More light can pass through a diamond when it's clean, and more of its energies can radiate from it.

Is there energy in diamonds? ›

Diamond is a stone of manifestation, attracting abundance. Diamond amplifies energy of anything it comes into contact with (so it's good to use it with conscious intention) Diamond enhances truthfulness, fearlessness and fortitude, clearing mental and emotional pain. Diamond provides higher vibrational clarity.

How powerful is a diamond? ›

Diamond sits at the top of the Mohs scale of hardness at number 10 as the hardest material. The Mohs scale rates relative hardness among materials. But hardness is non-linear and it is calculated that diamond is many times harder than next hardest substance (corundum) at 9.

How do you activate a diamond? ›

Place the cleanse Diamond on a clean cloth and pray to Lord Shukra by reciting the holy mantra 'Om Sha Shukraye Namah' or ॐ शं शुक्राय नम: or ॐ शुक्र देवाय नम | for 108 times. Now you are all set to wear your Natural Diamond jewelry.

Is a diamond a religious symbol? ›

Is a Diamond a religious symbol? In Buddhism the diamond is a symbol of pure insight and in the Diamond Sutra, Buddha teaches us to 'cut through' delusion to find the pure truth. For Hindus, it is believed the diamond's vibrations help heal the body's organs – especially the heart and head.

Why is diamonds important to humans? ›

Diamonds are the most precious and enduring of all gemstones, with their very name taken from the ancient Greek word αδάμας (adámas) meaning 'unbreakable'. For centuries their exquisite beauty, inner fire and unique physical qualities have made them prized above all other gems.

Why diamond is brilliant example? ›

vi) Hence, the main reason behind the brilliance of diamond is the total internal reflection of light, while the cut and shape boost the process.

Why are diamonds valuable humans? ›

Diamonds are expensive because they cost a lot to bring to market, there's a limited supply of fine quality gems, and people around the world want to buy them. It's simply supply and demand.

What are 3 facts about diamonds? ›

By Mandy YoutzFeb 11, 2021
  • Diamonds are the earth's hardest natural substance. ...
  • Diamonds form approximately 100 miles under the earth and are carried to the surface by volcanic activity.
  • Diamonds are the only gems made of one element. ...
  • Diamonds are found in every color of the rainbow.

What is the secret of diamond? ›

In a diamond, the atoms are held together by a particularly strong type of chemical bond called a covalent bond. In a covalent bond, two atoms share electrons in their outer shell, holding the atoms close together so they are almost overlapping. Once formed, these bonds are very difficult to break.

What is the most important thing about a diamond? ›

Out of the 4 C's of diamonds, the cut of the diamond is the most important. This is followed by color, clarity, and carat weight.

What is a diamond soul? ›

The Diamond Soul is the result of the cooperative yet mysterious work of the Holy Spirit residing in us, and ourselves. We supply in a positive manner the know-how, the sweat, and the perseverance. The Holy Spirit provides the guidance.

How is life like a diamond? ›

To live a diamond-like life means to use our resources in a worthwhile way and in service to others, whether time, energy, or money. Even each and every thought we create (the seeds of our actions) can be destructive or constructive. If chosen well, even our thoughts can be a force for greater good.

What is another meaning for diamond? ›

gem, jewel, rhinestone, allotrope, corundum, ice, lozenge, paragon, rhombus, rock, solitaire, zircon, bort, brilliant, jager.

When a person is a diamond? ›

Like the diamond, those who live a life of integrity are typically transparent and pure of motive, with nothing to hide. They are the ones with a high level of credibility, displaying a genuine spirit and a heart to do what's right even when those around them choose otherwise.

Who is a diamond woman? ›

Diamond Women exists to provide compassionate care, professional support and counselling to assist women and their families facing an unplanned pregnancy. We believe that no woman should have to face an unplanned pregnancy alone.

What are the 3 types of diamonds? ›

The 3 types of real diamonds that exist are mined diamonds, lab grown diamonds and fancy coloured diamonds. Each type offers different benefits, qualities, prices and properties, which we'll cover in detail below.

What are the four properties of diamond? ›

Characteristics Of A Diamond. The four main optical characteristics of diamonds are transparency, lustre, dispersion of light, and colour. In its pure carbon form, diamond is completely clear and transparent.

Who Cannot wear diamonds? ›

If your zodiac sign is Aries, Pisces or Scorpio, you should not wear the diamond because according to astrology, diamonds can bring disharmony to your life. Diamond is the gemstone for those who are born under Virgo and Libra as it bestows good luck and prosperity.

What is the curse of diamond? ›

The Koh-i-Noor Diamond is a 186 carat diamond with a curse affecting only men. According to folklore, a Hindu description of the diamond warns that “he who owns this diamond will own the world, but will also know all its misfortunes. Only God or woman can wear it with impunity.”

Is diamond good for protection? ›

One of the most well-known gemstones, diamonds have long been associated with love, wealth, and protection. Their durability makes them an especially popular choice for jewelry, and their energetic properties have many helpful applications when they are used in conjunction with feng shui.

Is it good luck to wear diamond? ›

Diamond is the gemstone for those who are born under Virgo and Libra as it bestows good luck and prosperity. Other zodiac signs can wear the diamond at certain times and under certain conditions. For example, Capricorn men and women as well as Aquarians can wear the diamond along with a Blue Sapphire.

What do diamonds mean to a woman? ›

Diamonds symbolise love, class, wealth, purity, and can be a woman's most precious possession. These qualities are intangible, but diamonds have been proven to be a true expression of love.

What is benefit of wearing diamond? ›

Wearing a diamond is known to bring richness into one's life. Venus is also known for its ability to bring love, wealth, fame, success, and prosperity which is why wearing diamond rings can prove to be beneficial. It is not only good for women but also for men.

Do diamonds absorb energy? ›

Diamonds are symbols of purity, unity, and love. They absorb and amplify energy, both positive and negative. They are also connected to the energy of wealth and are helpful in attracting abundance and manifesting.

Which zodiac can wear diamond? ›

Wearing diamond is considered auspicious for the people belonging to Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn, Libra and Aquarius sun signs. At the same time, it is most beneficial for the people of Taurus and Libra zodiacs as the lord of both Libra and Taurus ascendants is Venus itself.

Can diamond change destiny? ›

Gemstones represent these nine planets and have the power to align these planets for our benefit and bring good luck in our life. So, do you think wearing gemstones can change your life and destiny? Well, certainly yes! Wearing suitable gemstones as per Vedic Astrology can bring miracles in your life.

Do diamonds have energy? ›

Diamond is an energy amplifier. It is a stone that never requires recharging. It will bring strength and endurance to all energies and will enhance the power of other crystals. However, beware, as this means it will increase negative energy as well as positive!

How a person is like a diamond? ›

People are like diamonds with many facets, each one reflecting a distinctive light into the world. Together they shine with a unique and magnificent brilliance. May you shine brightly because the world needs all of you.

What are the negative effects of wearing diamond? ›

Diamond does a lot of benefits to the people of some zodiac signs and is harmful to a few. Never wear a diamond without consultation as it can be inauspicious. If you have a troubled married life, then wearing the diamond without consulting an astrologer can further escalate it.

Which finger do you wear diamond ring? ›

In many Western countries, the tradition of wearing an engagement ring on the fourth finger on the left hand, (the left ring finger on the ring finger guide below), can be traced back to the Ancient Romans. They believed this finger had a vein that ran directly to the heart, the Vena Amoris, meaning 'vein of love'.

Do diamonds have special powers? ›

Hindus in the ancient times strongly believed that the vibrations of a diamond render a very positive aura to many organs of the body and brain and heart in particular. Other healing powers of diamonds also include protecting the owner from driving away bad dreams, fight depressions and preventing apoplexy.

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